Sussex Researcher School

Research Degrees Progression and Award Board

The Research Degrees Progression and Award Board (RDPAB) is responsible for overseeing the progression and examination policies and processes for PGRs (except for those registered to the Brighton Sussex Medical School and Higher Degrees).


RDPAB makes recommendations on awarding degrees, approves examiner appointments, considers variations to examination procedures (extensions, remote vivas, reasonable adjustments), and monitors adherence to regulations and policies. It also develops procedures for exams and progression, and provides input on assessment practices in relation to international collaborations.  


Committee roleRole holder
Chair Rotates annually between academic members
Secretary Research Degrees Manager
Ex officio Head of the Sussex Researcher School
Member Academic representative for the Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities
Academic representative for the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine
Academic representative for the Faculty of Social Sciences
Academic representative for the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ Business School

In attendance     

Academic Regulations Manager
Assessment and Examinations Manager
Minute secretary (member of the Assessment and Examinations Team)

Meeting dates

RDPAB meets annually, normally in February.

  • Annual meeting date TBC (expected February 2025)
  • Wednesday 7 February 2024

Meeting documentation

All previous agendas, minutes and unrestricted papers are available on . You may also wish to view the Terms of Reference, which are updated annually, as well as the PGR Regulations and Policies page.

Colleagues wishing to submit an item for discussion at a meeting of the RDPAB should contact pgr-governance@sussex.ac.uk in good time before the meeting at which they wish their item to be discussed. In all cases, the deadline for papers is two weeks prior to the meeting. 

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk