Theoretical Particle Physics

HEP tools

This page contains tools for High Energy Physics that have been developed by members of Sussex TPP group


The OpenLoops 2 program is a fully automated implementation of the  algorithm combined with , which allows for the fast and stable numerical evaluation of tree and one-loop matrix elements for any Standard Model process at NLO QCD and NLO EW.

OpenLoops can be downloaded from


H1jet is a fast code that computes the total cross section and differential distribution in the transverse momentum of a colour singlet.

In its current version, H1jet implements only leading-order 2 → 1 and 2 → 2 processes, but could be extended to higher orders. H1jet is mainly designed for theorists and can be fruitfully used to assess deviations of selected new physics models from the Standard Model behaviour, as well as to quickly obtain distributions of relevance for Standard Model phenomenology. H1jet is written in Fortran 95 and Python 3, and takes about 1 second to run with default parameters.

H1jet can be downloded from 


JetVHeto is a user-friendly, fast program to perform NNLL resummation for jet-veto efficiencies and cross sections in Higgs and Z-boson production, as well as resummation in the leading logarithms of the jet radius. It also performs NNLL resummation for the Higgs and Z-boson transverse momentum. The resummed predictions can be matched to fixed-order results provided by the user up N3LO.

JetVHeto can be dowloaded from 


Rosetta is a framework for translation between different bases of Standard Model (SM) Effective Field Theory (EFT) operators. It implements translations between a number of popular operator bases such as the so called , and (a.k.a BSM primaries) bases via a simple SLHA style input/output format. As such, it can readily be interfaced with existing HEP tools such as Monte Carlo event generators. In order to make this possible, Rosetta also contains a basis implementation called the 'BSM Characterisation Lagrangian' or 'bsmc' whose output SLHA card is designed to be compatible with a purpose-made FeynRules implementation that can be found at: .

Another key feature of Rosetta is to allow users to easily define their own input bases such that implementing a translation to any one of the core bases gives access to translations to all existing bases for which a translation is possible. This may be useful if a certain HEP tool for SM EFT assumes the use of a particular basis. In this case, Rosetta would give access to the tool to users working in other bases and potentially widen its user base. Rosetta also comes with an example of this in its interface which assumes the SILH basis as input for calculating the effect of EFT operators to the Higgs width and branching fractions.

The full documentation of the program can be found in

Rosetta can dowloaded from 

For any queries, bugs or feature requests please contact rosetta@projects.hepforge.org.