Postgraduate modules
- 3D Modelling and Animation
- 5G Industrial Placement Year
- ACP Research Dissertation
- AI Project Proposal
- APK for English/Media English/Drama for canvas only
- Academic and Research Skills MACYS
- Academic and Research Skills MAIED
- Accountability and Ethics
- Accounting Theory
- Accounting and Financial Management (MBA)
- Accounting for Decision Makers
- Accounting for Decision Makers in Management and Finance
- Accounting, Organisations and Society
- Action Research
- Activism for Development and Social Justice
- Activist Media Practice
- Adaptive Systems
- Advanced Condensed State Physics
- Advanced Conservation Biology
- Advanced Cosmology
- Advanced Digital Signal Processing
- Advanced Drug Discovery and Chemical Enterprise
- Advanced Electronic Systems
- Advanced Financial Modelling and Machine Learning
- Advanced Green Chemistry and Organic Synthesis
- Advanced Legal Research and Writing
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Advanced Marketing Analytics
- Advanced Materials for Sustainable Energy
- Advanced Methods in Bio-inspired AI
- Advanced Methods in Machine Learning
- Advanced Methods in Molecular Research
- Advanced Methods in Social Research
- Advanced Nanoscience and Molecular Structure
- Advanced Natural Language Processing
- Advanced Practical Teaching
- Advanced Project Management
- Advanced Qualitative Methods (for Innovation, Management and Policy Pathway)
- Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- Advanced Research Methods for Occupational Psychology
- Advanced Research Skills in Psychology
- Advanced Software Engineering
- Advanced Statistics
- Advanced Techniques in Neuroscience
- Advanced Technology Automotive Systems
- Advanced Thermofluids
- Advanced Topics in Control of Electromechanical Systems
- Advanced Turbomachinery
- Advancing Professional Practice
- Adventures in Poetry: Writing Workshop
- Agile Project Management
- Aid and Poverty: the Political Economy of International Development Assistance
- Algorithmic Approaches to Mathematics
- Algorithmic Data Science
- An Adventure in Statistics
- Analytical Methods and Research Design
- Analytical Methods for Finance & Business Economics
- Analytical Methods in Economics
- Anthropological Perspectives on Mind, Madness and Mental Health
- Anthropological Research Methods
- Anthropology and the Ethnographic Imagination
- Anthropology for Development
- Anti-Corruption
- Applications and Implications of Artificial Intelligence
- Applied Anatomy
- Applied International Finance Project
- Applied Natural Language Processing
- Applied Numerical Analysis (L.7)
- Applied Research Methods
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Art and Design
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Classics
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Computer Science
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Design and Technology
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Drama
- Applying Professional Knowledge - English
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Geography
- Applying Professional Knowledge - History
- Applying Professional Knowledge - MFL
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Maths
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Music
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Primary
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Psychology
- Applying Professional Knowledge - RE
- Applying Professional Knowledge - Science
- Applying Psychology in Business and Policy Contexts
- Art History At Work: Unlocking Primary Sources
- Art History Research Seminar
- Art History Research Skills and Methods
- Art History Research Skills and Methods
- Art's Queer Stories
- Artificial Intelligence & Global Digital Policies
- Artificial Life
- Aspects of Intellectual Property Law
- Assessment and Development at Work
- Astrophysical Processes
- Atom Light Interactions
- Audio Features
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Bank Financial Management
- Bank Risk Management
- Bayesian Statistics
- Bearing Witness: Human Rights and Global Literature
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Big Data in Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
- Biodiversity and Natural Resources Law
- Biological Psychology (Masters)
- Biomaterials and Biocompatibility
- Blockchains and Cryptoassets
- Body and Society: Representing Women
- Brain Imaging Methods
- Business Activity & Sustainable Development
- Business Analysis Report
- Business Analysis and Consulting
- Business Communication Skills
- Business Economics Research Project
- Business Law
- Business Studies - Applying Professional Knowledge
- Business and Project Management
- Business as a Development Actor
- Business-to-Business Marketing
- Buyer Behaviour
- Challenges in Energy and Climate Policy
- Chemistry of Functional Materials
- Child Clinical Psychology
- Child Language Acquisition
- Childhood and Youth in the Contemporary World
- Cinema Goes to Work
- Cinematic Bodies
- Civil and Political Rights: Contemporary Challenges
- Classic and Contemporary Social Psychology
- Climate Change and Development
- Climate Change and Energy Policy
- Climate Finance
- Climate Resilient Development
- Climate change: Impacts and Adaptation
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Clinical Psychology & Individual Differences
- Clinical Psychology in Action
- Clinical Skills: practitioner and lived experience perspectives
- Cognitive Psychology (Masters)
- Collaborative Fiction Film Project
- Comparative Business Systems
- Competing in the Green Economy
- Complex Analysis (L7)
- Composition (Practice)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computer Aided Design
- Computing for Data Analytics and Finance (L7)
- Concepts of Social Development
- Condensed State Physics
- Conflict & Cooperation in Social Groups
- Conflict, Peace, and the Places in Between
- Conflict, Security and Development
- Conservation Biology and Biodiversity
- Consultancy Project
- Contemporary Consumer Research Applications
- Contemporary Issues in Child Psychology
- Contemporary Issues in Childhood and Youth: Research and Practice
- Contemporary Issues in Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
- Contexts and Values; Literature Review
- Contract Law
- Control Engineering
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Corpus and Discourse
- Corruption Case Studies
- Corruption Governance and Natural Resources Management
- Corruption and Governance Dissertation
- Corruption and Public Power
- Corruption and Sport
- Corruption in Business and International Development
- Corruption in Comparative Context
- Cosmology
- Creative Project
- Creative Writing Workshop: Reflection, Methods, Practice
- Creative and Critical Writing Dissertation
- Criminal Law
- Criminology Dissertation
- Criminology in Theory and Method
- Critical Approaches to Anthropology and Development
- Critical Approaches to Information Law
- Critical Debates in Development Theory
- Critical Debates in Environment and Development
- Critical Issues in Art History and Curating
- Critical Issues in Queer Theory
- Critical Perspectives on Development, Media and Social Change
- Critical Reading in Advanced Gender Theory
- Critical Reflection on Educational, Theory and Practice: PT
- Critical Reflection; Early Years Education
- Critiquing International Law
- Cryptography (L.7)
- Cultural and Creative Industries Dissertation
- Cultural and Creative Industries: Industry Experience
- Current Topics in Cancer Research
- Current Topics in Evolution, Behaviour and Conservation
- Current Topics in Molecular Cell Biology
- Current Topics in Neuroscience
- Curriculum, Learning and Society
- Cyber Law
- Cybercrime Law
- Cybernetics and Neural Networks
- Data Analysis Techniques
- Data Processing, Coding & Visualisation
- Data Science Masters Research Proposal
- Data Science Research Methods (L7)
- Debating Poverty and Vulnerability: Policy and Programming
- Decolonising Modernism: 1850 to the Contemporary
- Decolonising Sustainability
- Decolonising, Diversifying and Demythologising
- Democracy and Public Policy
- Democratizing Science and Technology
- Design Thinking for Innovative Problem Solving
- Design of Clean Vehicle Propulsion
- Designing Critical Enquiry
- Developing Literacies in a Global Context
- Developing Professional Practice
- Developing Skills for Business Leadership
- Development Macroeconomics
- Development Microeconomics
- Development in Cities
- Developmental Models, Psychopathology and Healthcare Legislation for Children and Young People
- Developmental Psychology (Masters)
- Digital Documentary Dissertation
- Digital Features
- Digital Intellectual Property Law
- Digital Journalism
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Media: Theory and Critique
- Digital Methods for Research and Practice
- Digital Transformations and Innovation
- Discourse Analysis
- Dispute Resolution Processes: Theory and Practice
- Dissertation
- Dissertation
- Dissertation
- Dissertation
- Dissertation (Anthropology)
- Dissertation (Applied Linguistics and TESOL)
- Dissertation (Art History)
- Dissertation (Climate Change, Development and Policy)
- Dissertation (Conflict, Security & Development)
- Dissertation (Data Science)
- Dissertation (EDP)
- Dissertation (Energy and Climate Policy)
- Dissertation (English: Literature, Culture and Theory )
- Dissertation (Financial Data Analytics)
- Dissertation (Financial Mathematics)
- Dissertation (Food and Development)
- Dissertation (GVC)
- Dissertation (Geopolitics and International Affairs)
- Dissertation (Human Rights)
- Dissertation (Human and Social Data Science)
- Dissertation (International Political Economy)
- Dissertation (International Relations)
- Dissertation (Journalism)
- Dissertation (MRes Advanced Artificial Intelligence)
- Dissertation (MSc Social Research Methods)
- Dissertation (Mathematics)
- Dissertation (Media & Cultural Studies)
- Dissertation (Migration Studies)
- Dissertation (Music MA)
- Dissertation (Science and Technology Policy)
- Dissertation (Sexual Dissidence)
- Dissertation (Social Development)
- Dissertation (Sustainable Development)
- Dissertation - SPT
- Dissertation / Consultancy Project (International Business and Development in Practice)
- Dissertation Development Studies
- Dissertation Gender Studies
- Dissertation Gender and Development
- Dissertation Gender and Media
- Dissertation Globalisation, Business and Development
- Dissertation Governance, Development and Public Policy
- Dissertation MA Film Studies
- Dissertation PT
- Dissertation Poverty and Development
- Dissertation Power, Participation and Social Change
- Dissertation STP - with Internship
- Dissertation in Economics
- Dissertation in Economics with Placement
- Dissertation option 1: Media Project
- Dissertation option 2: Written Dissertation
- Dissertation option 3: Placement with Media Project
- Dissertation option 4: Placement with Dissertation
- Dissertation with Placement (Global Studies)
- Dissertation: Digital Media
- Documentary Filmmaking: approaches and practices
- Doing Gender in Theory and Practice
- Drug Discovery Research Project
- Drugs, Brain and Behaviour
- Dynamical Systems (L7)
- E-Business and E-Commerce Systems
- Econometric Methods 1
- Econometric Methods 2
- Economic Crime
- Economic Perspectives on Development
- Economic, Social, Political and Cultural Environment - Understanding Business Environments
- Education, Theory and Practice
- Educational Psychology
- Effective Research Data Management - Ed Summer Sch
- Electrons, Cold Atoms & Quantum Circuits
- Embedded Systems and Sensors
- Emerging Research in Philosophy
- Empirical Project in Consumer Psychology
- Empirical Project in Marketing and Consumer Psychology
- Empirical Research Project
- Employment Relations
- Energy Policy and Sustainability
- Energy and Development
- Engaging in Enquiry
- Engineering Scalable and Reliable Software Project
- English Legal System and Skills
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
- Environment, Resources, Security
- Environmental Law and Governance
- Equity and Trusts
- Essential Quantitative Finance
- Essentials of Procurement
- Ethics and Normativity
- Ethics and Organisations
- Ethics and the History of Psychology
- Ethnographic Methods of Data Collection
- European Union Law
- Evaluation of Policy and Professional Practice
- Exploring Professional Knowledge
- Exploring Professional Practice in Early Years Education
- Fair Trade, Ethical Business & New Moral Economies
- Feminist Approaches to Global Development
- Fiction Filmmaking: directing and visualisation
- Field Biology and Conservation Skills
- Figures in Social and Political Thought
- Film Analysis: Theories and Methods
- Film Festival Studies
- Final Filmmaking Project: Documentary
- Final Filmmaking Project: Fiction
- Finance and the Future of Capitalism
- Finance for Development
- Financial Crises and Bank Regulation
- Financial Derivatives
- Financial Instruments
- Financial Invest & Corp Risk Analysis
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Financial Mathematics (L.7)
- Financial Portfolio Analysis
- Financial and Strategic Management
- Financial and Time Series Econometrics
- Finite Element Analysis
- Food Politics and Development
- Forced Labour, Trafficking and Global Mobility
- Forensic Linguistics
- Foundations of Neuroscience 1
- Foundations of Power, Participation and Social Change
- Foundations of World Politics
- Frontiers in Particle Physics
- Functional Analysis (L.7)
- Fundamentals of Cancer Cell Biology
- Galactic Astrophysics
- Gender Politics and Social Research
- Gender and Identities: Education, Citizenship and Youth
- Gender and Representation
- Gender, Identity and Inclusion
- Gender, Sexuality and Digital Culture
- Gender, Violence in War and Peace
- General Relativity
- Genome Instability in Disease and Cancer
- Genomics and Bioinformatics
- Geopolitics and International Affairs
- Global Business Environment
- Global Childhoods; Rights, Protection and Justice
- Global Englishes
- Global Governance of Migration and Refugees
- Global Innovation Systems
- Global Marketing Management
- Global News Industries A
- Global News Industries B
- Global Strategy in Practice
- Globalisation and Integration
- Globalisation, Business and Policy
- Governance of Violent Conflict and (In)security
- Governance of the Global Digital Economy
- Governing Energy Transitions
- Hate Crime and Sexual Violence
- Health and Development
- Heat Transfer Applications
- Historical Skills and Methods
- Human Development and Social Relationships
- Human Rights Law Clinic
- Human Rights and the Politics of Culture
- Human Rights in History
- Human Rights in International Relations
- Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Humanitarian and Service Supply Chains
- Ideas and Concepts in Climate, Development, Economics and Policy
- Ideas in Development and Policy, Evidence and Practice
- Ideology and the Political
- Image Processing
- Imaging in Brain Diseases
- Indigenous and Minority Rights
- Industrial Automation and Mechatronics
- Industrial Placement Year
- Industrial Placement Year
- Industrial and Innovation Policy
- Industry Placement and written submission: digital media
- Infrastructure, Innovation and Sustainability
- Innovation Management Project
- Innovation and Economic Development
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MBA)
- Innovation for Sustainability
- Innovation in the Creative Economy
- Institutions in the Global Financial Market
- Intelligence in Animals and Machines
- Intelligence in Animals and Machines
- Intelligent Systems Techniques
- Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
- International Anti-Corruption Actors
- International Business
- International Business
- International Business Economics
- International Commercial Arbitration
- International Corporate Reporting
- International Crimes
- International Economic Law Clinic
- International Environmental Law
- International Financial Law Regulation and Governance
- International Human Resource Management
- International Human Rights Law
- International Investment Law
- International Law in the Modern World
- International Relations Theory
- Internet-of-Things and Embedded System Practice
- Internship
- Interpretation, Theory, and Research Methods in Literary Study
- Introduction to Mathematical Biology (L7)
- Introduction to Nano-materials and Nano-characterisation
- Introduction to Physiology and Biochemistry
- Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods
- Introduction to Quantitative Research
- Introduction to Social Development
- Introduction to Theory (for Innovation, Management and Policy Pathway)
- Investments
- Issues in Contemporary Ethnography
- Issues in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
- Issues in Financial Reporting
- Journalism Project
- Journalism in Transition B
- Knowledge, Power and Resistance
- LGBTQI Rights: International and Comparative Perspectives
- LLM Dissertation
- Land Law
- Language Variation
- Language and Culture in Intercultural Communication
- Lasers and Photonics
- Law and Social Policy
- Law of International Business Transactions
- Law of Succession (Spr)
- Law, Religion, and Human Rights
- Leadership Engagement and Motivation
- Leadership and Personal Development
- Leading and Managing People
- Leading, Managing and Developing People
- Learning from Professional Contexts
- Legal Ethics and Professional Conduct
- Life Sciences Master of Science Research Project
- Life Sciences Masters Research Proposal
- Limits of Computation
- Linear Statistical Models (L7)
- Literature and Society, 1750-1890
- Live Video Production
- Living and Dying, Medieval to Renaissance
- Living and Dying, Medieval to Renaissance
- Logistics Management
- Low Carbon Development
- MRes Research Project in Evolution, Behaviour or Conservation
- MSc Conservation Project
- MSc Engineering Project
- MSc Individual Project
- MSc Individual Project
- MSc Professional Placement Year
- MSc Project (Robotics and Autonomous Systems)
- MSc Project P&A (PGT)
- MSc Project Research Skills (PGT)
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning and Statistics for Health (L7)
- Macro Methods (for Economics and Finance Pathway)
- Macroeconomic Analysis
- Management Accounting & Control
- Management Research and Practice Skills
- Management of Information Technology Project
- Management of Negotiation
- Management of Negotiation (MBA)
- Management of Risk
- Managerial and Human Resource Economics
- Managing Complex Projects, Products and Systems
- Managing Digital Transformation (MBA)
- Managing Economic Instability
- Managing Human and Industrial Relations
- Managing Innovation
- Managing Intellectual Property
- Managing Operations and Quality
- Managing Operations and Quality (MBA)
- Managing Operations and Quality (Spring)
- Managing Organisations, Innovation and Sustainability
- Managing People and Organisations
- Market and Credit Risk Analysis
- Marketing Ethics and Sustainability
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Management (MBA)
- Marketing Management and Practice
- Marketing Research
- Marketing Strategy
- Masters African Zoology Field Course
- Masters Mediterranean Ecology Field Course
- Masters Tropical Rainforest Field Course
- Masters' Industrial Placement
- Mechanical Dynamics
- Mechanics of Mechanisms and Robots
- Media Theory and Research
- Media, Culture and Communication
- Media, Law and Ethics
- Medical Instrumentation
- Metascience and Assessment Skills
- Micro Methods for Economics and Finance
- Microeconomic Analysis
- Migrant Transnationalism, Refugees and Diaspora
- Migrants and Society: Global Transformations
- Migrants, Ethnicity, and Super-diversity
- Migration Rights and Governance
- Migration and Global Development
- Mobile 3D Applications
- Mobile Communications
- Modernist and Contemporary Fictions
- Molecular Neuropharmacology
- Money and Banking
- Money, Macro and Banking
- Monte Carlo Simulations (L7)
- Multi-sited and Mobile Ethnography
- Multinational Financial Management
- Multisectoral Responses to Crises and Vulnerability
- Museum Skills I: Objects
- Museum Skills II: Contexts and Display
- Music Production in Context
- Music and the Media of Performance (Practice)
- Navigating the Complexities of Forced Migration and Displacment
- Neoliberalism and the Global Economy in an Age of Crises
- Network Analysis and Infographics
- Network Science
- Neurobiology of Brain Disorders
- Neurocriminology
- Neuroscience Research Project
- Neuroscience of Consciousness
- New Configurations in Critical Theory
- New Developments in Digital Media
- New Product Development Strategy
- New Security Challenges
- New Venture Creation and Simulation
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (L.7)
- Nutrition
- Organic Synthesis for Medicines and Natural Products
- Organisational Behaviour, Leadership and Change
- Organisations and Inter-professional Practice
- PG Industrial Placement (Data Science)
- Partial Differential Equations
- Particle Physics
- Particle Physics Detector Technology
- Personal and Professional Development and Employability
- Personal and Professional Development for Management and Finance
- Perspectives on Energy and Climate Policy
- Perspectives, Methods and Skills for Science, Technology and Innovation Studies
- Philosophy of Science and Social Science Research Practice
- Photography: Documentary, Landscape, Politics
- Podcasting
- Policy Making and Policy Analysis
- Policy and Practice Issues in International Education and Development
- Policy and Programme Evaluation Research
- Political Economy Perspectives on Development
- Political Economy of International Business and Development
- Political Economy of the Environment
- Portfolio Management
- Poverty, Vulnerability and the Global Economy
- Power and Social Perspectives on Development
- Practical Quantum Technologies
- Practical Teaching Techniques and Observation
- Practical Techniques in Cancer Cell Biology
- Practical Techniques in Cell and Molecular Biology
- Practice Experience with Children and Youth
- Principles and Practice in English Language Teaching
- Principles and Practices in Drug Discovery and Delivery
- Principles of International Law
- Probability Models (L7)
- Producing Media for Development and Social Change
- Professional Assessment of Children
- Professional Experience and Dissertation
- Professional Practice 1 (EYTS)
- Professional Practice 2 (EYTS)
- Programming
- Programming for 3D
- Programming for Accounting and Banking
- Programming for Engineers
- Programming for Experiments
- Programming for Finance
- Programming through Python
- Project Design Thinking
- Project Evaluation and Implementation
- Project Management in Organisations
- Promotional Culture
- Provocative Pedagogies
- Psychology and the Future of Children's Services
- Psychology in the Family
- Public Finance: How governments raise and spend money
- Public Law
- Public Policy for Development
- Public Relations
- Qualitative Methods and Empirical Design
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Quantitative Analysis in International Education
- Quantitative Methods for Economics and Finance 1
- Quantitative Methods for Economics and Finance 2
- Quantitative Methods for Finance & Business
- Quantitative Methods for Management, Innovation and Policy
- Quantitative Methods for Science, Technology and Innovation Studies
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Field Theory
- Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
- Queer Worlds: Sexualities, Knowledge, Affect
- Race, Culture and the Media
- Race, Photography, Archives
- Re-imagining Humanitarian Responses to Displacement
- Reawakening Mathematics
- Reconfigurable System on Chip
- Reflecting on Professional Knowledge
- Reflecting on Professional Knowledge in Early Years
- Reflecting on Professional Knowledge in Early Years (with EYTS)
- Reflecting on Professional Knowledge, Policy and Practice
- Reflective and Creative Practice for Social Change
- Refugees, Education and Development
- Regulating Gene Expression
- Regulating the Creative Industries
- Religions, Cultures and Civilisations in International Relations
- Research Design
- Research Design and Ethics
- Research Dissertation
- Research Dissertation (Accounting and Finance)
- Research Foundations
- Research Methods
- Research Methods (International Management)
- Research Methods Summer
- Research Methods and Approaches
- Research Methods and Dissertation
- Research Methods and Professional Skills
- Research Methods and Professional Skills (Geog)
- Research Methods and Professional Skills (IR)
- Research Methods and Skills Applied to Management
- Research Methods for Accounting and Finance
- Research Methods for Applied Psychologists
- Research Methods for Artificial Intelligence
- Research Methods for Banking and Finance
- Research Methods for Economics
- Research Methods for HRM
- Research Methods for International Finance and Business
- Research Methods for Supply Chain and Logistics Management
- Research Project (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
- Research Project (GSCLM)
- Research Project (International Management)
- Research Project (MSc Banking and Finance)
- Research Project (MSc Sustainable Finance and Accounting)
- Research Project (Management)
- Research Project (Project Management in Practice)
- Research Project (Strategic Marketing)
- Research Project in Human Resource Management
- Research Proposal
- Research Proposal (Applied Linguistics and TESOL)
- Research Reform and Open Science
- Research Skills in Psychology
- Research in Early Years Education
- Researching Childhood and Youth
- Researching Cultural and Creative Industries
- Researching Education: The Dissertation
- Researching Education: The Dissertation
- Researching Hidden and Hard-to-reach Populations
- Researching Language in Use
- Rethinking Innovation for Changing Worlds
- Rewilding and Ecosystem Services
- Robot Design and Implementation
- Russia, Eurasia and the Crisis of the Liberal West
- Science, Technology and Innovations: Markets, Firms and Policies
- Second Language Acquisition and Research
- Sensory Function and Computation
- Sex, Work and Reproduction
- Short Documentary: Research and Production
- Skills for Research Bioscientists
- Social Adversity, Risk and Resilience
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Social Psychology (Masters)
- Social Research in Conflict-affected Areas
- Social Work Practice 1
- Social Work Practice 2
- Socioeconomic rights: economic violence, social justice and human rights law
- Software Project and written submission: digital media
- Sonic Media Practice
- Space, Place and Screen Media
- State Capture and Grand Corruption
- Statistical Inference (L.7)
- Stellar and Planetary Physics
- Strategic Brand Management
- Strategic Human Resource Management and Employee Engagement
- Strategic Management (Business & Management)
- Strategy
- Structural Basis of Protein Mechanism
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Supply Chain Information Systems
- Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Modelling
- Sussex Experts Research and Practice
- Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
- Sustainability and Policy Processes: Issues in Agriculture, Environment and Health
- Sustainable Business Finance
- Sustainable Development: Politics and Policies
- Sustainable Synthesis and Catalysis
- Symmetry and the Standard Model
- Synaptic Communication
- Systematic Literature Review Dissertation
- Systems for Information Management
- Talent Management
- Teaching Topics in Quantum Information Science and Technologies (QIST)
- Techno-Feminism History and Practice
- Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments
- Terrorism and the Internet
- The Avant-Garde in North America: Creative and Critical Practice
- The Brain Across The Life Span
- The Business Context in Emerging Economies
- The Business Context in Europe
- The Clinical Psychology Research Process
- The Existential Self: Chaos, Meaning and Human Potential
- The Future of Work Design
- The Global Governance of Education and Conflict
- The Law and Behaviour of Business Organisations
- The Middle East in Global Order
- The People’s Heritage
- The Politics of Gender
- The Research Process
- The Science of Climate Change
- The Social Psychology of Organizations
- The Social and Emotional Brain
- Theoretical Approaches to Gender and Development
- Theories of International Education and Development
- Theorising Childhood and Youth
- Theorising Global Political Economy
- Theorising the Social
- Theory and Practice of Impact Evaluation
- Theory, Methods and Values in Practice 1
- Theory, Methods and Values in Practice 2
- Thinking Like an Anthropologist
- Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Topics in Computer Science
- Tort Law
- Trade Law and the International System
- Trading
- Transferable Skills and Employability
- Transformative Innovation Policy for Inclusion
- Transnational Commercial Law
- Transnational Corporate Finance Law
- Treatment Models and their Evaluation
- Tropical Rainforests: Biogeography and Conservation
- Understanding Corruption
- Unruly Politics
- Video Features
- Video Production Techniques
- Violence and (In)security: Feminist, Queer and Anti-colonial perspectives
- Violence in Contemporary History
- Visual Effects
- Voices in the Archives: Writing from History
- War, Terror, Violence and International Law
- Wearable Technologies
- Web Applications and Services
- Well-being at Work
- Wellbeing-focused Psychologically-informed Interventions for Severe Mental Health Problems
- Wider Topics in Data Science (L7)
- Women and Human Rights
- Work and Sustainability in Global Supply Chains
- Work, Employment and Human Resource Management in Context
- Workplace Learning, Training and Coaching
- World, Body, and Mind
- Writing Art History: Media, Society, Culture
- Writing for Games and Interactive Media
- Writing for the Screen