Photo of Nicholas TillNicholas Till
Pierre Audi Chair in Opera and Music Theatre, University of Amsterdam (Drama) (School of Media, Arts and Humanities)



In the Autumn Term I will be teaching:

Year 2. The Rise of Classical Music

Year 3. Advanced Music Studies


PhD Supervision

I have supervised PhDs to completion on the following topics:

  • Cecilia Wee: Documenting Live Art
  • Asma Mundrawala: Theatre for Development in Pakistan (with Filippo Osella)
  • Dylan Robinson: The Relationship between Musicology and Performance (theory/practice project)
  • Julian Philips: The role of an opera house Composer-in-Residence (AHRC Collaborative Doctoral project with Glyndebourne Opera)
  • Daniel Ploeger: The Sonification of the Body in Live Art Performance (theory/practice). 
  • Mario Frendo: The Musicalisation of Theatre (theory/practice) 
  • Suzanne Wilkins: Aesthetic Experience in Music (with Bjorn Heile)
  • Sally Bream: The Photographic Representation of Climate Change (theory/practice project, with Melanie Friend )

Current PhD supervision

  • Justin Grize: The Animal in Opera (theory/practice)
  • Tom Reid: Music for Early Avant-Garde Film (theory/practice, with Ed Hughes) 
  • Thanos Polymeneas: Interactive Music Theatre (theory/practice, with Thor Magnusson)

PhD Examination

I have examined PhDs on: Michael Fried and Minimalism (Wimbledon School of Art); French literary influences on Mozart's Don Giovanni (Kings College, London); ritual and religion in the operas of Berg and Richard Strauss (Kings College, London); the post-Wagnerian Gesamtkunstwerk (Queen Mary, London); the reception of Don Giovanni in early 19th-century Germany (Aarhus University,Denmark); experimental music theatre (theory-practice, Brunel University); a model of performance analysis for modern productions of early opera (University of New South Wales, Australia); expanding opera into mobile media (theory-practice, University of Lapland, Finland); the training of opera performers (theory-practice, University of Winchester).