Sussex Researcher School

Online Resources

Our online resources provide an opportunity to learn at a time and place that suits you

Online Researcher Development Programme modules

While we don't record RDP workshops as standard, several of our sessions are available as self-led online modules or as webinar recordings. 

See the  to access a wealth of online resources. 

UEA Online Training Series for PGRs 2024-25

The Sussex Researcher School (SRS) subscribes to the , which offers research and professional skills training for postgraduate researchers (PGRs) in a ‘live-taught’ online format.

Attendees are drawn from around 50 universities and a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, giving you the opportunity to learn alongside peers from across the UK.

Sessions are delivered via a virtual classroom, often on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday evenings between 7pm-9pm, but also on weekday mornings between 10am-12pm. The series is organised and administered by Dr Simon Watts (simon.d.watts@uea.ac.uk), PGR Training Coordinator for the Faculty of Social Sciences at UEA, who teaches the majority of sessions.

The training is organised into five modules, each focused on a specific topic. You are free to sign up for individual sessions and not a whole module if you prefer.

  • Module 1: Academic Writing

    • What Should a Literature Review Do?
    • Writing Effectively
    • Academic Publishing
    • Writing and Structuring an Effective Thesis
  • Module 2: Qualitative Research Skills

    • A Comparison of Qualitative Methods
    • Qualitative Interviewing
    • Analysing Qualitative Data
    • Using NVivo for Qualitative Research
  • Module 3: Finishing your PhD

    • Preparing for your Viva
    • Securing a First Academic Post
    • Preparing Impactful Research Proposals and Grant Applications
    • Conference Presentations
  • Module 4: Teaching Skills

    • Preparing and Delivering Seminars
    • Preparing and Delivering Lectures
    • Assessment, Feedback, and Module Design
  • Module 5: Quantitative Research Skills

    • A Beginner's Guide to Quantitative Research
    • An Introduction to Scale Development
    • An Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling

Each session will open for bookings exactly three weeks in advance. Booking is always competitive so book early to avoid disappointment. Visit the  for more information on individual sessions and to sign up

The SRS does not deal with bookings. If you have any problems, want to ask a question, or there is anything you don’t understand, please email ssf.advancedtraining@uea.ac.uk.

Vitae Researcher Booklets

All researchers have full access to the Vitae website and resources - register on with your Sussex email address. 

Vitae have produced  giving practical advice and tips tailored to researchers.

Topics include: 

Vitae (2008) 'The Balanced Researcher' booklet thumbnail

  • The balanced researcher - strategies for busy researchers
  • The informed researcher - because interacting with information is at the core of research
  • The enterprising researcher - analyse and develop your enterprising abilities
  • The leading researcher - explore and develop your leadership potential
  • The engaging researcher - inspiring people to engage with your research
  • The career-wise researcher - develop your career management skills and get the right job for you
  • The creative researcher - tools and techniques to unleash your creativity

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk