University Opportunities for ECR Training and Development
In addition to the ECR Development Series, there is a range of further support for training and development on offer to Sussex researchers from teams across the University.
Click on the titles below to explore the range of professional development support on offer to Sussex researchers. To guide you in planning your professional development please take a look at the Research Staff Professional Development Guidance [PDF 1.65MB]
- Appraisal
The University runs an annual appraisal process for Sussex research staff. You will meet with your appraiser to discuss progress against your research objectives as well as your career development aspirations and goals.
Appraisal meetings provide an opportunity to reflect on past achievements and identify areas where you hope to develop new skills or take on new opportunities and responsibilities. Download research staff appraisal guidance and forms. - Organisational Development
Organisational Development provide general training and development courses open to any member of University staff. Courses offered include;
- management development
- equality and diversity
- personal development and effectiveness
- professional development
- researcher development
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Agresso training
For full programme information and booking information visit the Organisational Development website.
- Teaching courses and qualifications
Academic Quality and Partnerships (AQP) offer two options for development of your higher education teaching skills:
- Starting to teach for staff – 6 workshop (15 credit) module is for staff with less than 3 years higher education teaching experience.
- Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCertHE) – 60 credit course taken part time over 2 years leading to accredited qualification and Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Open to research staff that will be undertaking a significant level of teaching and that have approval from their Head of School.
For more information visit the AQP website
- Careers guidance
The University Careers and Employability Centre (CEC) offers Sussex researchers free 1:1 appointments with a careers advisor to help you explore future career options or support you in making job applications. The CEC website hosts useful careers related information and resources to support you in taking the next steps in your career.
- IT Training
In addition to providing IT advice and support for researchers, IT Services (ITS) also run a full programme of training sessions that range from introductory to advanced level. Examples of training that may be relevant for research staff:
- Excel analysing data & pivot tables
- Audiovisual training for lecture theatres and training rooms
- Building quizzes in Study Direct (the Sussex Moodle-based VLE)
- Using teaching pages in Sussex Direct
- Educational Enhancement
The Educational Enhancement team, based in Essex House, provides proactive guidance, training and support to staff on the effective use of technology to enhance teaching, learning and research. Development workshops cover themes such as:
- Interactive teaching and learning
- Use of Sussex based technology systems (e.g. e-submission/e-feedback; lecture theatre audio visual equipment)
- Creating and using digital resources
- Increasing personal awareness of digital technologies
For more information visit the .
- Research Quality and Impact
The Research, Quality and Impact team helps researchers produce high quality research outputs and achieve real impact in the wider world. Discover the Research Excellence Framework and find out how to achieve and track your impact with some useful tools, as well as learning about grants to help you create more impact.
- Research Governance and Integrity
The ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ is committed to promoting and upholding the highest quality academic and ethical standards in all its activities.
The Research Governance and Integrity team has developed research governance and ethics policies and procedures which recognise the importance of addressing ethical matters, while supporting the achievement of its collective research objectives.
To this end, robust research governance procedures and policies underpin all research at the University.
- Library Research Support
The Library Research Support Team offer bookable 1-2-1s for researchers to discuss how the resources available through the Library and can support their research. They also support the University’s approach to research data management and Open Access publishing and host regular seminars and events on subjects from bibliometrics to developments in scholarly publishing.
The Library Research Support team can offer guidance on Open Access (OA) publishing including how to meet the requirements of your funder, and to be eligible for the post-2014 REF. They administer funds given to the University by RCUK and the Wellcome Trust to support Gold OA – find out what your funder requires and how to access the funds at the Open Access webpage.
The ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ is a member of Vitae, the UK organisation dedicated to the supporting the professional development of researchers. As a Sussex researcher you can register to the with your Sussex email address to access a wealth of content and resources to help you at every stage of your research career. Information and guidance includes:
- Ups and downs of being a researcher
- Developing as a researcher
- Developing your academic career
- Keeping your life in balance
- Rights and responsibilities
- Equality and diversity
- Careers advice
The Researcher Development Programme is a comprehensive programme of workshops, webinars and online modules based on the Vitae Researcher Development Framework. It is primarily targeted at postgraduate researchers (PGRs), but also open to research staff.
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) is a tool to help you identify strengths and prioritise your professional development.
Vitae Researcher Booklets
The Balanced Researcher Booklet [PDF 2.17MB]
The Career Wise Researcher Booklet [PDF 2.19MB]
The Creative Researcher Booklet [PDF 1.29MB]
The Engaging Researcher Booklet [PDF 1.70MB]
The Enterprising Researcher Booklet [PDF 1.45MB]