Early Career Researcher Governance
The early career researcher (ECR) governance structure is overseen by the Sussex Researcher School through the ECR Sub-Committee, which is responsible for institutional strategy relating to ECR provision and support. This work is underpinned by the Researcher Development Concordat and HR Excellence in Research (HREiR) Award.
Committee structure
The (ECRSC) reports up to the University Research and Innovation Committee (URIC), bringing together HR, School and Professional Services staff with responsibility for early career researchers (ECRs) across Sussex.
It develops policies, practices and initiatives to support ECRs, as outlined in the HREIR Action Plan, fosters a healthy research culture, and celebrates ECR achievements and their contributions to the University.
Sussex made the commitment to set up 'support mechanisms to help our researchers to develop throughout their whole career', and build a 'vibrant, exciting, collaborative research culture', in the 2025 Strategic Framework, work which will continue in the 2035 strategy.
ECR representation
The ECR Reps Group, comprising researchers from all Schools, feeds in to the ECRSC. It acts as a bridge between SRS and the wider ECR community across ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, and gives a voice to ECRs at the committee level.
School Research Committees are responsible for promoting a strong research and innovation culture and ethos, upholding School Research Strategies, and developing activities to support research at the School level.
Concordat and HR Excellence in Research
The ECRSC ensures the University's adherence to the Researcher Development Concordat and maintenance of Sussex’s HREiR Award.
The Concordat is a collaborative agreement involving key stakeholders — institutions, managers, researchers, and funders — with the aim of enhancing employment conditions and career advancement for researchers across the UK.
HREiR is a European Commission award that acknowledges an institution's commitment to fostering a conducive and supportive research culture, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and innovation. Sussex has held the HREiR Award since 2013 and formally committed to the Concordat in 2021.