Research and knowledge exchange

Horizon Europe

The UK will associate to Horizon Europe subject to ratification of the overall deal and finalisation of the Horizon Europe Programme regulations. Horizon Europe will consist of three main pillars – reflecting the current R&I priorities of the Union – and an additional transversal element, focused on widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area.

Draft Work Programmes are available for Sussex staff, please contact your Research Development Manager if you are interested.

The is the single entry point for applicants, contractors and experts in funding. All Horizon Europe funding calls and Work Programmes will be published on this portal.

The portal will enable you to obtain tailored EU news and funding; registration is free for Sussex staff members.

UKRO Webinar on Horizon Europe

On 15th April 2021, the Universities of Sussex and Brighton welcomed Jon Brookes from the UK Research Office () who delivered a webinar on the following topics:

Overview of Horizon Europe Work Programmes

Looking at the three Pillars (Excellent Science; Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness; Innovative Europe), overview of the changes for the calls, introduction to missions, how academics can get involved with Horizon Europe by becoming evaluators; overview of the Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.

Proposal submission to project implementation – Pre award

This webinar will provide an overview of the proposal submission and evaluation processes in Horizon Europe. It highlights the changes in the proposal templates, page limits, budget tables and the evaluation process when compared to Horizon 2020. There will be an overview of the introduction of the Gender equality plan and the new 'Right to React'.

Proposal submission to project implementation – Post award

This webinar will provide an overview of project implementation in Horizon Europe.It highlights the changes such as the model Grant Agreement and updates and changes in terminology; for personal costs, daily rates, record keeping, internal invoicing, in kind contributions; Certificate on financial statements; Visa costs etc. when compared to Horizon 2020.There will be introduction to the Open Research Europe (ORE) which is the Open Access Publishing Platform.

The slides and the recording of the presentation can be found below: