Research and knowledge exchange

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for research grant applicants and grant holders

We are aware that some funders, notably UKRI, are evaluating support for research grants that may be impacted by COVID-19 over the next few months. This is likely to necessitate discussion on a project-by-project basis, and the Research Office will support individual PIs with this as and when required. We would encourage PIs where there is an immediate impact on their projects to contact the funder to discuss in the first instance, and also their Research Finance Officer so that we can look at potential options and impacts of extensions or changes to the research programme. Please keep us informed of any discussions with funders so that we can record or action any agreed steps.

In addition, research funders are beginning to provide information on their approach to the ongoing situation regarding coronavirus. We will be providing links to information are they are published, so please check below for the latest information.

Internal call for Covid-19 Sandpit ideas

Sandpits will enable Sussex researchers to address Covid-19 challenges by building coordinated research and innovation communities with appropriate multidisciplinary expertise.  Funding is available to pay for casual research and/or admin staff to develop and run the sandpit.  In addition, members of the University's Covid-19 Research Coordinating Group will be able to provide support to the development of sandpits, for example, providing links to expertise from across campus, shaping objectives, and sharing relevant funder intelligence.  The application form and further information is available here.


Funder Information

Please contact your Research Development Officer as soon as possible if you are considering applying.

Funding Opportunities

We have set up a funding search for COVID-19 calls on Research Professional: - click to login to RP with your university account, and press 'search' to find the most recent opportunities.  Also check these websites for more detailed information.

  • (useful Q&A and other information )
  • and the
  • - deadline 1 May 2020.  Applications to this call are being managed by the Joint Clinical Research Office - email jcro@sussex.ac.uk
  • s
  • - curated list of open funding calls and other support for researchers
News (funding and support)

The two main research funding intelligence platforms are providing free access to their curated COVID-19 related news coverage:

  • (Sussex has a University-wide subscription to this platform)

Universities UK has a dedicated website with information on national efforts to respond to the COVID-19 challenges facing universities:

Other Resources
  • - an IDS-led consortium providing a COVID-19 resource hub, bringing together learning across DFID and the UK Government
  • The UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) and the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GloPID-R) are providing a research project tracker of funded research projects across the world related to the current COVID-19 pandemic.  There is more information via .
  • The NIHR publishes a list of prioritised studies .
  • Novel Coronavirus Information Center - Elsevier’s free health and medical research on the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19 . 
  • Get the insights you need on COVID-19 - Access the world’s leading research and late-breaking news on this rapidly evolving health emergency
  • Dimensions is facilitating access to COVID-19 research
  • EBSCO -
  • OECD  -
  • The Wellcome  Trust -