Research and knowledge exchange

Proposal timeline


The suggested timeline below is intended to give an idea of elements that you may need to consider for any bid. Larger scale projects often require additional planning and can take longer in regards to collating all of the relevant and requisite information/documents as well as in overseeing inclusion of partner institutes. We have grouped the items under the most relevant heading with links to further details/advice. Many items could sit under more than one category and in all matters, initial contact with your School Research Development Manager will help in identifying specific requirements for your bid and working on a more personalised timeline.

Weeks-9-8-7-6Weeks-5-4-3-210 Days Before Deadline Graphic10 days5 daysDeadline




  • Contact partner Institutions
  • Identify critical friends to review drafts of proposal
  • Negotiate timelines and identify bid milestones. Project planning (templates and advice available)
  • Contact Research Impact officer


  • Notify School/RES e.g. via Pro Forma
  • Consult successful bids if available
  • Set up on line applications and provide access to RDM
  • Draft Institutional statements
  • Preparation of Institutional documents e.g. for tenders
  • Institutional support/strategy
  • Review legal documents
  • Internal and Partners approvals
  • Risk Analysis


  • Contact your RDM and DRKE


  • Check eligibility
  • Review funder guidelines
  • Budget Scoping


  • Confirm partner Institutions
  • Review key draft documents of proposal
  • Consult successful bids if available
  • Contact Research Impact Officer


  • Draft Institutional statements
  • Preparation of Institutional documents e.g. for tenders
  • Review legal documents
  • Internal and Partner approvals


  • Contact your RDM and DRKE
  • Can you/your RDM accommodate this?
  • Check eligibility
  • Final budget on pFACT
  • Internal approvals