No |
Title |
Author(s) |
105 |
Integration-transnationalism nexus in the context of enforced transience: Managing racial harmony and temporary labour migration in Singapore
Yoga Prasetyo (2025) |
104 |
Researching protracted displacement: A methodological overview of the protracted displacement economies research project |
Michael Collyer et al (2025) |
103 |
Win-win? Assessing the role of non-profit organisations in co-creating new pathways for asylum-seekers and refugees with the Japanese labour market
Mami Kamoshita (2024) |
102 |
The Albanian Scientific Diaspora from Kosovo: Prospects for Cooperation and Return
Russell King, Ilir Gëdeshi (2024) |
101 |
Emigration of Medical Doctors from Albania: A Segmented Brain Drain |
Amarildo Ceka, Ilir Gëdeshi, Russell King (2023) |
100 |
From Social to Intangible Remittances: A Conceptual Recalibration [PDF 428KB] |
Janine Isabelle Pinkow-Läpple, Judith Möllers (2022) |
99 |
Labouring Geography in a Global Pandemic: Social Reproduction, Racial Capitalism and World-Making Praxis [PDF 307KB] |
Hannah Schling, Ben Rogaly (2022) |
98 |
The Impact of Covid-19 Induced School Closures on the Educational Experience of Students with Latin American Immigrant Parents [DOC 190KB] |
Pauline Klitzsch (2021) |
97 |
‘Immigration, Stupid!’ Or Was It? Re-Imagining Brexit as a ‘Wicked Problem’ [PDF 693.02KB] |
Russell King (2020) |
96 |
Brexit, National Identity and the Print Media: A Discourse Analysis of Britain’s Pro-Leave Tabloid Campaigns [PDF 2.76MB] |
Joshua Vey (2019) |
95 |
Barriers to (Re)integration: The Roma Return to the Western Balkans [PDF 385.94KB] |
Zana Vathi (2019) |
94 |
Brexit as Rupture? Voices, Opinions and Reflections of EU Nationals from the Liminal Space of Brexit Britain [PDF 235.51KB] |
Calypso Owen (2018) |
93 |
The Albanian Second Migration: Albanians Fleeing the Greek Crisis and Onward Migrating to the UK [PDF 218.37KB] |
Chaido Karamoschou (2018) |
92 |
Beyond Migration Binaries and Linear Transitions: The Complexification of Greece’s Migratory Landscape at Times of Crisis [PDF 707.04KB] |
Manolis Pratsinakis, Panos Hatziprokopiou, Russell King (2017) |
91 |
Instrumentalising the Influx of Refugees for Boundary-Change? The Turkish Community in the Pursuit of Social Acceptance in Germany [PDF 368.31KB] |
Baris Senay (2017) |
90 |
New Knowledge Comes Home: Highly-Skilled Greek Migrants’ Aspirations for, Realities of, and Barriers to Knowledge Transfer [PDF 437.33KB] |
Kyriaki Fotiadou (2017) |
89 |
Growing Older as a Refugee: A Study of Bosnian Refugees in the UK and their Experiences of the Ageing Process [PDF 372.88KB] |
Luciana Caffarelli (2016) |
88 |
A Case of Bottom-Up, Slow, and Ongoing Political Integration? Naturalised Albanians in Italy [PDF 520.78KB] |
Eriselda Shkopi, Zana Vathi (2016) |
87 |
Does Mobility within the European Union Shape Migrants’ Identities? The Case of Slovak Migrants in the London Region [PDF 633.55KB] |
Veronika Dvorakova (2016) |
86 |
International Youth Mobility and Life Transitions in Europe: Questions, Definitions, Typologies and Theoretical Approaches [PDF 850.87KB] |
Russell King, Aija Lulle, Laura MoroÅŸanu. Allan Williams (2016) |
85 |
The Effects of Globalisation on Regional Migration in Italy [PDF 293.96KB] |
Giuseppe Celi, Giuseppina Testa (2016) |
84 |
Gendering International Student Migration: A Comparison of UK and Indian Students’ Motivations and Experiences of Studying Abroad [PDF 509.62KB] |
Russell King, Gunjan Sondhi (2016) |
83 |
Closing the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme: A Triple Loss [PDF 639.46KB] |
Erica Consterdine, Sahizer Samuk (2015) |
82 |
Young Baltic Graduates Living and Working in London: From Peripheral Region to Escalator Region in Europe [PDF 396.39KB] |
Russell King, Aija Lulle, Violetta Parutis, Maarja Saar (2015) |
81 |
When is a migrant not a migrant? Exploring white middle-class perceptions of difference in a ‘liberal’ British city [PDF 465.58KB] |
Amy Clarke (2015) |
80 |
Highly-Skilled Nigerian Migration as a Spatial and Temporal Continuum [PDF 546.23KB] |
Melanie Mbah (2015) |
79 |
The Perfect Alternative to Citizenship? Explaining the low take-up of the ‘long-term residency EU’ status: Germany as a case-study [PDF 685.88KB] |
Mirijam Beutke (2015) |
78 |
Second-Generation Turkish-Germans Return ‘Home’: Gendered Narratives of (Re-)negotiated Identities [PDF 497.08KB] |
Nilay Kilinc (2014) |
77 |
Going Back Home: Internal Return Migration in Rural Tanzania [PDF 790.05KB] |
Kalle Hirvonen, Helene Bie Lilleør (2014) |
76 |
Everyday mosque politics’: the Islamisation of space, a complex and negotiated politics [PDF 539.11KB] |
Julius Baker (2014) |
75 |
The Lure of London: A Comparative Study of Recent Graduate Migration from Germany, Italy and Latvia [PDF 523.45KB] |
Russell King, Aija Lulle, Francesca Conti, Dorothea Mueller, Giuseppe Scotto (2014) |
74 |
Population Mobility and Regional Development [PDF 554.84KB] |
Tony Fielding (2014) |
73 |
Seen but Unheard – A Case-Study of Low-Waged Tamil Migrant Workers in Singapore [PDF 2.10MB] |
Wajihah Hamid (2014) |
72 |
A Masculinist Perspective on Gendered Relations of Power: Rwandan Migrant Men in the UK [PDF 414.16KB] |
Dan Godshaw (2014) |
71 |
‘That’s Where my Perception of it all was Shattered’: Oral Histories and Moral Geographies of Food Sector Employment in an English City Region [PDF 460.31KB] |
Ben Rogaly, Kaveri Qureshi (2014) |
70 |
A Stratified Right to Family Life? Patterns and Rationales behind Differential Access to Family Reunification for Third-Country Nationals Living within the EU [PDF 498.16KB] |
Reinhard Schweitzer (2014) |
69 |
Victims or Criminals? The Vulnerability of Separated Children in the Context of Migration in the United Kingdom and Italy [PDF 458.93KB] |
Annalisa Furia (2012) |
68 |
Just a Matter of Choice? Student Mobility as a Social and Biographical Process [PDF 273.09KB] |
Sören Carlson (2011) |
67 |
Cyprus as a Multi-Diasporic Space [PDF 360.85KB] |
Janine Teerling and Russell King (2011) |
66 |
Of Corridors and Dyads: Unpacking the Family Dynamics of Remittance Transfers to Albania and Ecuador [PDF 356.08KB] |
Diana Mata-Codesal, Russell King and Julie Vullnetari (2011) |
65 |
From First-Generation Guestworkers to Second-Generation Transnationalists: Greek-Germans Engage with the ‘Homeland’ [PDF 425.92KB] |
Russell King, Anastasia Christou and Jill Ahrens (2010) |
64 |
Motivations of UK Students to Study Abroad: A Survey of School-Leavers [PDF 451.38KB] |
Jill Ahrens, Russell King, Ronald Skeldon, Máiréad Dunne (2010) |
63 |
Migration in a Time of Crisis: A Simple Conceptual Framework Applied to East Asian Migrations [PDF 280.46KB] |
Tony Fielding (2010) |
62 |
A Matter of Power? (Ethnic) Identification and Integration of Albanian-Origin Immigrants in Thessaloniki [PDF 194.25KB] |
Zana Vathi (2010) |
61 |
Inter-Regional Migration in a Transition Economy: The Case of China [PDF 523.57KB] |
Tony Fielding (2010) |
60 |
Local Identities, Identification and Incorporation of Albanian Immigrants in Florence [PDF 226.65KB] |
Zana Vathi (2010) |
59 |
Migration and Development: An Insight into the Experiences and Perceptions of Skilled Migrants Involved in the MIDA Great Lakes Programme [PDF 505.32KB] |
Julie Héraud (2010) |
58 |
Gender and Remittances in Albania: Or Why 'Are Women Better Remitters than Men?' Is Not the Right Question [PDF 407.73KB] |
Russell King and Julie Vullnetari (2010) |
57 |
New Brits? Migration and Settlement of Albanian-Origin Immigrants in London [PDF 315.89KB] |
Zana Vathi (2010) |
56 |
Idyllic Times and Spaces? Memories of Childhood Visits to the Parental Homeland by Second-Generation Greeks and Cypriots [PDF 154.57KB] |
Russell King, Anastasia Christou and Janine Teerling (2009) |
55 |
Transnational migration - Theory and method of an ethnographic analysis of border regimes [PDF 82.32KB] |
Vassilis Tsianos, Sabine Hess, Serhat Karakayali (2009) |
54 |
Temporary Foreign Workers in Alberta's Oil Sector [PDF 779.76KB] |
Katherine de Guerre (2009) |
53 |
Racialisation of central and east European migrants in Herefordshire [PDF 113.67KB] |
Leila Dawney (2008) |
52 |
Internal and International Migration: Bridging the Theoretical Divide [PDF 1.16MB] |
Russell King, Ronald Skeldon and Julie Vullnetari (2008) |
51 |
'Turks' in London: Shades of Invisibility and the Shifting Relevance of Policy in the Migration Process [PDF 145.40KB] |
Russell King, Mark Thomson, Nicola Mai, Yilmaz Keles (2008) |
50 |
Rice & Coriander - Sensorial re-creations of home through food: Ecuadorians in a northern Spanish city [PDF 182.33KB] |
Diana Mata Codesal (2008) |
49 |
Changing Support for Asylum Seekers: An Analysis of Legislation and Parliamentary Debates [PDF 216.32KB] |
Emily Fletcher (2008) |
48 |
Negotiating Italianità: Ethnicity and Peer-Group Formation among Transnational Second-Generation Italians in Switzerland [PDF 146.58KB] |
Susanne Wessendorf (2008) |
47 |
The Impacts and Experiences of Migrant Children in UK Secondary Schools [PDF 299.05KB] |
Grace Reynolds (2008) |
46 |
Ties That Bind: Families, Social Capital and Caribbean Second-Generation Return Migration [PDF 241.32KB] |
Tracey Reynolds (2008) |
45 |
Cultural Geographies of Counter-Diasporic Migration: The Second Generation Returns 'Home' [PDF 330.47KB] |
Russell King and Anastasia Christou (2007) |
44 |
Hidden Hands in Fair Trade Nicaraguan migrants and the labour process in the Costa Rican coffee harvest [PDF 95.87KB] |
Peter Luetchford (2007) |
43 |
Accelerated Procedures for Asylum in the European Union: Fairness versus Efficiency [PDF 176.41KB] |
Sharon Oakley (2007) |
42 |
Coordinating the Humanitarian Response to Refugee Situations: The Role of Power and Trust in Humanitarian Networks [PDF 160.64KB] |
Andreas Capjon (2007) |
41 |
Negev Bedouin and Higher Education: At the Crossroads of a Community in Transition [PDF 145.29KB] |
Janine Givati-Teerling (2007) |
40 |
Rural out-migration and economic development at origin. What do we know? [PDF 162.80KB] |
Mariapia Mendola (2006) |
39 |
The Anti-Capitalist Movement and the Migrant Comparing Agendas and Debating Facilities [PDF 128.04KB] |
Daphne Sivetidis (2006) |
38 |
Welcome to 'Monkey Island'. Identity, Community and Migration Histories in Three Norwich Estates [PDF 137.22KB] |
Ben Rogaly and Becky Taylor (2006) |
37 |
Bulgarian Migrant Remittances and Legal Status: Some Micro-level Evidence from Madrid [PDF 179.57KB] |
Eugenia Markova, Barry Reilly (2006) |
36 |
Intensification of work-place regimes in British agriculture The role of migrant workers [PDF 128.04KB] |
Ben Rogaly (2006) |
35 |
Migrants on the edge of Europe - Perspectives from Malta, Cyprus and Slovenia [PDF 100.78KB] |
Mark Thomson (2006) |
34 |
Muslim identity - The European context [PDF 118.75KB] |
Siobhán McPhee (2005) |
33 |
Migration and education: Child migrants in Bangladesh [PDF 123.38KB] |
Laura Giani (2006) |
32 |
Between care and control - Interaction between refugees and caseworkers within the Norwegian refugee integration programme [PDF 143.41KB] |
Oddveig Nygård (2006) |
31 |
The Performance of Bulgarian Undocumented and Legalised Immigrants in the Spanish Labour Market [PDF 76.51KB] |
Eugenia M. Markova (2006) |
30 |
The political genesis and legal impact of proposals for the SIS II: what cost for data protection and security in the EU? [PDF 132.74KB] |
Alice Garside (2006) |
29 |
Challenges to policy and practice in the disarmament, demobilisation, reintegration and rehabilitation of youth combatants in Liberia [PDF 339.35KB] |
Caroline Bragg (2006) |
28 |
Entrenched relations and the permanence of long-term refugee camp situations [PDF 124.80KB] |
Rebecca Napier-Moore (2005) |
27 |
Quantifying the trade-migration nexus of the enlarged EU: A Comedy of Errors or Much Ado About Nothing? [PDF 454.57KB] |
Chris Parsons (2005) |
26 |
Cape Verdean Associations in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon: their role in integration [PDF 235.49KB] |
João Sardinha (2005) |
25 |
The people in-between. IDPs, Space and (Dis)placement in Sri Lanka [PDF 956.36KB] |
Jessica Skinner (2005) |
24 |
The state and population mobility in the Great Lakes - What is different about post-colonial migrations? [PDF 135.21KB] |
Albert Kraler (2004) |
23 |
Nomads, sailors and refugees. A century of Somali migration [PDF 450.72KB] |
Nauja Kleist (2004) |
22 |
Next Stop Britain: The Influence of Transnational Networks on the Secondary Movement of Danish Somalis [PDF 92.98KB] |
Katrine Bang Nielsen (2004) |
21 |
Temporary migration to the UK as an 'Au Pair': Cultural exchange or reproductive labour? [PDF 199.07KB] |
Emma Newcombe (2004) |
20 |
Control and Deterrence: Discourses of detention of asylum-seekers [PDF 92.68KB] |
Mari Malmberg (2004) |
19 |
Welcome Home? Minority return in south-eastern Republika Srpska [PDF 211.45KB] |
Lisa D'Onofrio (2004) |
18 |
Images of Sangatte: Political representations of asylum seeking in France and the UK [PDF 533.73KB] |
Mark Thomson (2003) |
17 |
Unorthodox Sisters: Gender Relations and Transnational Marriages among Malayali Migrants in Italy [PDF 383.04KB] |
Ester Gallo (2003) |
16 |
Explaining Change in Established Migration Systems: The Movement of Algerians to France and the UK [PDF 342.29KB] |
Michael Collyer (2003) |
15 |
Migration, Return and Socio-Economic Change in West Africa: The Role of Family [PDF 646.92KB] |
Richmond Tiemoko (2003) |
14 |
Longitudinal Studies: An insight into current studies and the social and economic outcomes for migrants [PDF 587.57KB] |
Richard Black, Tony Fielding, Russell King, Ronald Skeldon and Richmond Tiemoko(2003) |
13 |
'New Migration' in the 1990s: a retrospective [PDF 394.71KB] |
Chris Whitwell (2003) |
12 |
Do Developing Countries Benefit from Migration? A study on the acquisition and usefulness of human capital for Ghanaian Return Migrants ~ not available |
Titia Sjenitzer |
11 |
The Root Causes of Migration: Criticising the Approach and Finding a Way Forward [PDF 281.06KB] |
Saskia Gent (2002) |
10 |
Migration and poverty reduction: evidence from the Ghana Living Standards Survey [PDF 3.40MB] |
Julie Litchfield and Hugh Waddington (2002) |
9 |
Migration, return and small enterprise development in Ghana: a route out of poverty? [PDF 563.13KB] |
Richard Black, Russell King and Richmond Tiemoko(2003) |
8 |
The Formation of Ethnic Representations: The Vietnamese in Poland [PDF 218.09KB] |
Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska (2002) |
7 |
Negotiating the local: youth adaptation processes in a Chinatown church [PDF 166.77KB] |
Nanlai Cao (2002) |
6 |
Geographies of place, culture and identity in the narratives of second-generation Greek-Americans returning 'home' [PDF 419.60KB] |
Anastasia Christou (2002) |
5 |
Promised Borderland: On the 'exceptionalism' of the UK system of migration control [PDF 418.17KB] |
Matthias Liedtke (2002) |
4 |
A Matter of Decency? The Progress Party in Norwegian Immigration Politics [PDF 107.68KB] |
Anniken Hagelund (2001) |
3 |
Harnessing the Potential of Migration and Return to Promote Development: Applying Concepts to West Africa [PDF 235.38KB] |
Savina Ammassari and Richard Black (2001) |
2 |
Bosnians in Chicago: Transnational activities and obstacles to transnationalism [PDF 349.01KB] |
Ellen Wight (2000) |
1 |
Access to Legal Services for Asylum-seekers in Britain: An exploratory study of recent developments [PDF 369.25KB] |
Trine Lester (2000) |