Visiting Fellows
The Institute hosts a number of prestigious named fellowships, and a wider community of visiting scholars to the Faculty. All of these are welcomed as members of the Institute.
Visiting and Honorary Fellowships and Research Associates
The Media, Arts and Humanities Research Institute welcomes visiting academics, colleagues and partners who enhance our research culture and participate in its collaborative intellectual environment. There are two main schemes offered: Research Fellowships (Visiting or Honorary) and Research Associates.
The Faculty also hosts the Stuart Hall Fellowship, about which you can read more on its dedicated page. The Fellowship is open to practitioners and academics as well as artists in residence in all areas reflecting the varied interests of the Stuart Hall Foundation, inter alia cultural studies, film and visual arts.
In addition, the Weidenfeld Institute of Jewish Studies runs two prestigious fellowship schemes for scholars of German-Jewish history and Holocaust Studies: The Weidenfeld - Tel Aviv Visiting Exchange Programme and the Isaacshon and André Families' Visiting Fellowship.
- Visiting and Honorary Fellowships
Criteria for scheme
The Visiting Fellowship scheme is open to academics educated to post-doctoral level and employed at another University or HEI, whereas the Honorary Fellowship scheme is open to scholars who are not employed by another University or HEI and who are leaders in a creative or cultural field. Applicants are asked to demonstrate their affiliation with the Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities and why they wish to undertake a project here.Period of Visits
Appointments as a Visiting or Honorary Fellow can be made for periods of 1 month to 3 years. All Visiting / Honorary Fellows should be associated either with the Faculty or with one of its interdisciplinary research centres. If the Fellow is from outside the UK then certain visa guidelines may apply depending on the length of the visit (information on academic visitor visas can be found on the ).
Faculty Sponsorship for Visiting / Honorary Fellows
Fellowship appointments must be endorsed by a member of faculty in the Faculty. This faculty member will act as the Fellow's mentor during the visit and will agree with the Fellow in advance what outputs are expected from the Fellowship. These would normally include one or more of the following:
- Giving a seminar or performance to faculty and students and a Guest Lecture within an undergraduate or postgraduate course
- Production of a working paper or equivalent
- Giving advice to students (e.g. on dissertations, careers)
- Production of a collaborative research proposal with a member of faculty
Office Space
Visiting and Honorary Fellows can use a shared office space in the Silverstone Buidling and will also have access to shared study spaces across campus.
Bench Fees
A bench fee of £1,000 per term (£3,000 per academic year), or £350 per month, is normally charged for Visiting and Honorary Fellowships, to cover administrative costs. Fee reductions can be requested but will normally only be granted if the Fellow is contributing substantially to undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. - Research Associates
We also offer a Research Associate arrangement which is separate to our more formal Visiting / Honorary Fellowship scheme. This status is only suitable for those with clear reasons for maintaining an affiliation with the Faculty and with whom the Faculty wishes to maintain a clearly defined relationship. Applicants must be educated to post doctoral level.
Research Associates are granted a ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ email address and access to the University Library in-person services, and are welcome to use shared research staff office space within the Media, Arts and Humanities buildings. Research Associates are not entitled to access other University support services beyond this, and will not be able to use online Library resources.
A Research Associate status cannot be used to secure a visiting academic visa for researchers who are based outside of the UK. If you are an academic from outside of the UK and you wish to come to the University in person as a visiting academic, please apply to the Visiting / Honorary Fellowship scheme.
Maximum Length of Research Associate Visits
Appointments will run for one year, but may be renewable by agreement.
Bench Fees
No bench fees apply to Research Associates.
Application process for Research Associate status in the Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities
If you wish to apply for or renew research associate status, in the first instance you should approach a permanent member of faculty in the Faculty and ask whether they are willing to be your faculty point of contact for the duration of your associateship. The member of faculty should then email the Research Team on in order to recommend that you are awarded the title of Research Associate, and provide a short statement explaining why they are recommending you for this status. They should confirm which subject area or research centre you will be associated with. - Weidenfeld - Tel Aviv Visiting Fellowship Exchange Programme
Sponsored by the Sussex Weidenfeld Institite of Jewish Studies, this exhange programme funds Visiting Fellow posts at the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ and Tel Aviv University. One faculty member will be hosted by the other institution for a period of up to a semester. Visiting faculty will have the chance to present research and engage in the research culture of the host institute, and Sussex faculty visiting Tel Aviv will teach on a course there. A stipend is available for faculty participating in this exchange scheme
APPLY FOR The Weidenfeld - TEl aviv exchange progamme - The Isaacsohn and André Families' Visiting Fellowship
The Sussex Weidenfeld Institute of Jewish Studies is delighted to announce a new Fellowship Programme in Jewish and Holocaust Studies, established in memory of five members of the Isaacsohn and André families who perished in the Holocaust. The programme will run initially for ten years, and will see leading academics from universities around the world joining Sussex experts in Jewish and Holocaust studies as Visiting Fellows, for a period of up to three months. A stipend of up to £5,000 will be available to support travel and accommodation costs associated with the Fellowship. This programme will deepen Sussex’s research in this field and enrich the programmes offered to students. Fellows will join the Centre for German-Jewish Studies which is a major component of the Weidenfeld Institute of Jewish Studies, within the University’s Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities
APPLY FOR THE isaacsohn and andre families visiting fellowship