Centre for International Education

Centre of Excellence

The Centre for International Education is a Centre of Excellence. Our Centres of Excellence are drawing together world-leading experts and innovative approaches, creating a critical mass of knowledge, skills and training – and proving that a challenge is only impossible until it's done.

Find out more about our Centres of Excellence.

What steps can we take to build a fairer society?

  • Video transcript

    CoE - Linda [International Education] - Social Cut – TRANSCRIPT

    [TITLE CARD: ‘Centre for International Education’]

    [MUSIC: Gentle piano]

    Professor Linda Morrice: In the Centre for International Education, we work across six continents

    [ON SCREEN TEXT: ‘Professor Linda Morrice, Co-Director, Centre for International Education’]

    Professor Linda Morrice: and we work with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable communities.

    [MUSIC: Deep boom as we see a photograph of a woman holding a baby]

    Professor Linda Morrice: women

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of a group of women refugees]

    Professor Linda Morrice: refugees [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of a group of school children]

    Professor Linda Morrice: Children who are most likely to be excluded from education. If we want a more socially just society, we have to provide education for all.

    [MUSIC: Crescendos as we see Professor Linda Morrice looking over a map]

    Professor Linda Morrice: When refugees arrive in new countries, there is an initial urgency to find shelter and attend to their physical needs. Professor Linda Morrice: But there's growing recognition of the critical importance of education.

    [MUSIC: Light reverb as Professor Linda Morrice looks through a pile of photographs]

    Professor Linda Morrice: Our research in the Centre for International Education

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of children at school]

    Professor Linda Morrice: has shown that successful integration is dependent on refugees being able to speak the native language of their new home.

    [MUSIC: Light reverb]

    Professor Linda Morrice: This enables them to engage in education, to find jobs, access health care and services, really feel part of the community.

    Professor Linda Morrice: Overall

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of a man and woman shopping for fresh produce at a food market]

    Professor Linda Morrice: refugees with higher levels

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of a family walking along the seafront in Brighton]

    Professor Linda Morrice: of language, experience better wellbeing.

    [Swelling whoosh crescendo]

    [END CARD: ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ logo ‘Impossible until it’s done ’ with URL sussex.ac.uk/impossible]


Jo Westbrook: 2021
CIE Co-Director:


Linda Morrice
CIE Co-Director:
