Photo of Fiona LeachFiona Leach
Emeritus Professor (Education)



Supervised and completed DPhils include:

  • Community participation in education: the case of the District Primary Education Project and Lok Jumbish in India
  • Socio-cultural approaches to learning difficulty: issues on vocational training and employment in Zambia
  • Gender, language and education in the adult EFL classroom: a case study of the Eastern Mediterranean University
  • Gender and equity in teacher education: a case study from Nigeria
  • Schooling identity: gender relations and classroom discourse in selected junior secondary schools in Botswana
  • Teaching for peace in a multi-cultural society (Israel)
  • Teachers' participation in community development in Ghana
  • The effects of English medium education on the academic achievement of first language Arabic speaking students in a Saudi Arabian private school
  • Pragmatic dualism: socio-economic change, knowledge transfer and teachers in Vietnamese universities Introducing school-focussed staff development into primary schools in St Lucia