photo of Jeremy Page

Mr Jeremy Page

Post:Emeritus Senior Lecturer (School of Media, Arts and Humanities)
Location:ARTS A A043
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Jeremy Page was Deputy Director of the Sussex Centre for Language Studies from 2003 until 2017 and Director from 2017 until 2021.

His research interests include the uses of literature in language teaching, curriculum design, linguicide, and intercultural teaching and learning. He has presented papers at numerous national and internatonal conferences, including the International House educators' conference, British Council Italy and IATEFL Literature and Cultural Studies.

He worked extensively as an examinations consultant to the University of Cambridge, delivering teacher support seminars in Argentina, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ireland and the UK, and also as a professional advisor to the Teacher Training Agency.

He has written English language teaching materials for Pearson Longman, BBC Worldwide and Macmillan, and contributed a chapter on curriculum design to Best Practice in Language Teaching (2008). His adaptations of works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are published by Oxford University Press. 

His  and short stories are widely published. His latest full collection of poems is (Frogmore Press, 2021). His translations of Catullus's Lesbia poems were published by Ashley Press asin 2011.  His own poems have been translated into German, Italian and Romanian, and a bilingual Romanian/English edition of his work was published by Integral, Bucharest as If Not Now / Daca nu Acum in 2017. Two plays have been performed: Loving Psyche in Bremen (2010) and Verrall of the White Hart in Lewes (2014). In 2015 he co-edited with Rachel Cole an anthology of life writing, True Tales from the Old Hill, published by The Frogmore Press in collaboration with the Centre for Life History and Life Writing Research at Sussex. His novella was published by Cultured Llama in 2018.

is the founding editor of literary journal (1983 - ) and co-editor of , an online journal of 'poetry in the extreme'.


Selected Publications:

Page, J (2020) 'Ikigai', in The Analog Sea Review

Page, J (2020) 'The Plague revisited: re-reading Camus in lockdown', in Life Writing Projects

Page, J (2017) 'A Resubmission for the Ordinary Level Examination in Psychogeography', in Axon, 7/2

Page, J (2017) If Not Now / Daca nu Acum (Integral Contemporary Literature Press, Bucharest)

Page, J (2017) 'Pravda', in BSJ: The B S Johnson Journal 3

Cole, R & Page, J (eds) (2015) True Tales from the Old Hill. Frogmore Press

Page, J (2015) 'Poems by Boris Vian', in Asymptote

Thurschwell, P & Page, J (2015) 'An American academic and an English poet talk about the Smiths', in Iowa Review blog 

Page, J (2011) The Cost of All Desire: after Catullus (Ashley Press)

Page, J & Smith, C (eds) (2010) Poetry South East 2010 (Frogmore Press)

Page, J (2008) 'The Secret Garden: a case study in curriculum renewal', in Best Practice in Language Teaching (IHWO Books)

Hardy-Gould, J & Page, J (2002) Search. BBC Worldwide