photo of Karin Alton

Dr Karin Alton

Post:Visiting Research Fellow (Life Sciences)
Personal homepage:


Zoology degree at Nottingham University, then a PhD in Entomology. I have worked with hoverflies, aphids (galling aphids on poplar trees), tephritid flies and it's parasitiods on knapweed, bugs and beetles of various grasslands, and now with honey bees, bumble bees and various other flower visiting insects.




Research Fellow, Honey bee Health and Wellbeing

Community and Business

I have a keen interest in public outreach of science and education, and organise and run the various workshops held at the lab. I publish articles in a variety of journals and magazines, about our research and topics of interest to beekeepers.

I also maintain the website and social media sites for the Laboratory of Apiculture and Social Insects.