
Photo of Gerard DelantyGerard Delanty
Emeritus Professor (Sociology and Criminology)


My Current Research Projects and Activities include the following:

Temporalities of the Anthropocene and ideas of the future

Capitalism and democracy

Economy, Society and and State: Political and historical sociology of Europes

Comopolitanism, with a particular focus on world varieties of cosmopolitanism

Comparative perspectives on modernity

The European cultural and political heritage

Critical sustainability. Collaboration with the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies in Futures of Sustainability, Hamburg University.

Recently compleded: ‘Social platform’ project on Cultural Heritage and European Identities, funded from the Horizon 2020 programme within the call Reflective Society 2012. This is a two year ‘social platform’ project beginning in May 2015. The partners include the Central European University, Budapest, Centre for Cultural Policy Research, University of Glasgow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Universitat de Barcelona, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and Interarts. See the project's website http://culturalbase.eu/

Other Activities

I edit the , a quarterly published by Sage.

http://est.sagepub.com/ Email address: ejst@sussex.ac.uk The EJST was founded in 1998 by Gerard Delanty and has been an ISI listed journal since 2010.

A Selection of Recent Publications (since 2009)


Delanty, G. 2024 Senses of the Future: Conflicting Ideas of the Future in the World Today. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Delanty, G. (with Neal Harris) 2023Capitalism and its Critics. London: Routledge.

Delanty, G. 2020 Critical Theory and Social Transformation:Crises of the Present and Future Possibilities. London: Routledge.

Delanty, G. 2018The European Heritage: A Critical Re-Interpretation. London: Routledge.

Delanty, G. 2019 2nd editionFormations of European Modernity: A Historical and Political Sociology of Europe. London: Palgrave.

Delanty, G. 2018 3rdEditionCommunity, Routledge: London.

Delanty, G. 2009 The Cosmopolitan Imagination: the Renewal of Critical Social Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edited Books:

Delanty, G. (with Stephen Turner) (eds) 2022 2nd edition, Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory. London: Routledge

Delanty, G. (ed.) 2021 Pandemics, Society and Politics: Critical Reflections on the Pandemic. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Delanty, G. (ed.) 2018 2nd editionHandbook of Cosmopolitanism Studies. London: Routledge.

Delanty, G. (with David Inglis) (ed.) 2010 Cosmopolitanism: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences. 4 vols. London. Routledge.

Delanty, G. (with M. Sassatelli and Giorgi, L.) 2011 (eds) Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere London: Routledge

Journal Articles:

Delanty, G. (with Neal Harris) ‘What is Capitalism? Towards a working definition’. Social Science Information

Delanty, G. 2023 ‘Introduction to the Special Issue on the Russo-Ukrainian War: A New European War?A New European War? Considerations on the Russo-Ukrainian War European Journal of Social Theory 26 (4).

Delanty, G. 2021 ‘Imagining the Future: Social Struggles, the Post-National Domain and Major Contemporary Social Transformations’ Journal of Sociology 57 (1): 27-46

Delanty, G (with Neal Harris) 2021 ‘Critical Theory and Technology: The Frankfurt School Revisited’ Thesis Eleven 166 (1): 88-108.

Delanty, G. 2021 ‘Return of the Nation-State? De-Europeanization and the Limits of Neo-Nationalism’ Journal of Contemporary European Research 17 (2): 103-115. https://doi.org/10.30950/jcer.v17i2.1180

Delanty, G. 2021 ‘Futures of Sustainability: Perspectives on Social Imaginaries and Social Transformation’Social Science Information. 60 (2): 159-67.

Delanty, G. 2020.La sociologie aujourd’hui et l’héritage classique’. Revue du MAUSS 56 (2): 129-40 [Sociology Today and the Classical Legacy]

Delanty, G. 2020 ‘Critical Theory as a Critique of UnSustainability: “Damaged Life” in the Anthropocene’. Estudios Públicos vol 159 (in English and in Spanish). DOI:


[in Spanish]

Delanty, G. 2019 ‘The Future of Capitalism: Trends, Scenarios and Prospects for the Future’Journal of Classical Sociology.19:1

Delanty, G. 2019 ‘What does Self-Determination Mean Today? The Resurgence of Nationalism and European Integration in Question’Global Discourse9 (1)

Delanty, G. 2017 ‘Entangled Memories and Transnational Histories: Current Trends and Directions for Research on the European Cultural Heritage’European Legacyvol.22 (2): 129-45.

Delanty, G. and Mota, A. 2017 ‘Governing the Anthropocene: Agency, Goveranace and Knowledge’European Journal of Social Theory20 (1): 9-38.

Delanty, G. 2016 ‘The Making of European Society: contesting methodological nationalism’ Special issue ofInnovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences29 (1): 3-15.

Delanty, G. 2016 ‘Multiple Europes, Multiple Modernities: Conceptualizing the Plurality of Europe’Comparative European Politics14 (4): 398-416

Delanty, G. 2016 ‘A Transnational World? The Implications of Transnationalism for Comparative Historical Sociology’Social Imaginaries2 (2).

Delanty, G. 2016 ‘Nachdenken über die Beudeutung von Solidarität und heutiges Europa,’Sozialwisenschaftlische Literatur Rundschau73: 123-32.

Delanty, G. 2015 ‘Europe in World Regional Perspective: Formations of Modernity and Major Historical Transformations’British Journal of Sociology66 (3): 420-40

Delanty, G. and Mota, M. 2015 ‘Eisenstadt, Brazil and the Multiple Modernities Framework: revisions and reconsiderations’Journal of Classical Sociology15 (2): 39-57.

Delanty, G. 2015Europe and the Emergence of Modernity’History, Culture and Modernityvol 3, no. 3


Delanty, G. 2014 ‘The Prospects of Cosmopolitanism and the Possibility of Global Justice’Journal of Sociology50 (2): 213-228.

Delanty, G. 2014 ‘Not all is Lost in Translation: World Varieties of Cosmopolitanism’Cultural Sociology8 (4): 374-91

Published in Spanish translation inPapers: Revista de Sociologia2015 vol 100, no. 3: 282-203 Availble online http://papers.uab.cat/issue/view/v100-n3

Delanty, G. 2014‘Introduction: Perspectives on Crisis and Critique in Europe Today,’European Journal of Social TheoryonEurope in Crisisvol 17 (3): 207-218.

Delanty, G. 2012 ‘A Cosmopolitan Approach to the Explanation of Social Change’ Sociological Review 62 (2): 333-54.

Delanty, G. 2012 ‘Europe in an Age of Austerity: Contradictions of Capitalism and Democracy’ International Critical Thought 2 (4): 445-55.

Delanty. G. 2012 ‘The Historical Regions of Europe: Civilizational Backgrounds and Multiple Routes to Modernity’ Historická sociologie 3 (1-2) Available on-line http://historicalsociology.cz/abstracts/1-2-2012/gerard-delanty

Delanty, G. 2011 ‘Varieties of Critique in Sociological Theory and their Methodological Implications for Social Research’Irish Journal of Sociology19 (1): 98-62

Delanty, G. 2011 ‘Cultural Diversity, Democracy and the Prospects of Cosmopolitanism: A Theory of Cultural Encounters’British Journal of Sociology62: 4: 633-56.

Delanty, G. 2010 ‘Civilizational Analysis and Critical Theory’Thesis ElevenNo 100: 46-52

Book Chapters:

Delanty, G. 2022 ‘Capitalism and Crisis: Thinking through capitalist crisis with Schumpeter and Polanyi’. In: Capitalism, Democracy and Socialism: Critical Debates, edited by James Chamberlain and Albena Azmanova. Berlin: Springer. PP 241-58.

Delanty, G. 2022 ‘Sociology Today and the Classical Legacy’ In: Where is Sociology Going? Ideology or Objective Social Science, edited by Robert Leroux, Thierry Martin, and Stephen Turner. London: Routledge.

Delanty, G. 2020 ‘Challenges of Globalization and the Cosmopolitan Imagination: The Implications of the Anthropocene’. Political Sociologies of the Cultural Encounter edited by Barrie Axford, Alistair Brisbourne, Sandra Halperin, Claudia Lueders. London: Routledge

Delanty, G. 2020 ‘Wann beginnt die Zukunft? Überlegungen zu Temporalität, Nachhaltigkeit und Zukunftsszenarien‘[When Does the Future Begin? Temporality, Sustainability and Future Prospects]. In: Adloff, F. and Neckel, S (eds) Imaginationen von Nachhaltigkeit. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. [In German]

Delanty, G. 2020 ‘Multiple and Entangled Modernities, Cosmopolitanism and Translation’. In: Routledge Handbook of Translation and Globalization, Esperança Bielsa and Dionysios Kapsaskis (eds). London: Routledge.

Delanty, G. 2021 ‘Introduction: The Pandemic in Historical and Global Context. In:Delanty, G. (ed.) Pandemics, Society and Politics: Critical Reflections on the Covid-19 Crisis. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Delanty, G. 2021 ‘The Pathogenesis of Brexit: Pathologies of British Political Modernity’. In: Harris, N. (ed.) Critical Theory and Social Pathology. pp 23-45. London: Palgrave.

Delanty, G. 2021‘Can the European Heritage be Redeemed?
Confessions of an Europeanist’. In.: The Idea of Europe: The Clash of Projections, edited by Biti, V., Leerssen, J. and Liska, V.(eds) Leiden: Brill. Pp. 53-65.

Delanty, G. 2018 ‘Europe in the World: From a Regional Integration to a Global Power’ in Outhwaite, W. and Turner, S. (eds)Handbook of Political Sociology. London: Sage.

Delanty, G. 2017 ‘A Divided Nation in a Divided Europe:Emerging Cleavages and the Crisis of European Integration’ inBrexit: Sociological Responses, edited by William Outhwaite. London: Anthem Press.

Delanty, G. 2017 ‘What happens when one culture meets another? Cultural encounters and European civilisation’Interactions.Centuries of Commerce, Combat and Creation, Temporary Exhibition Catalogue, Brussels: House of European History/European Parliament.

Delanty, G. 2014 ‘Europe’s Nemesis?: European Integration and Contradictions of Capitalism and Democracy’ in Champeau, S., Closa, C. Innerarity, D. and Maduro, M. (eds) The Future of Europe: Democracy, Legitimacy and Justice after the Euro-Crisis New York: Rowman and Littlefield.

Delanty, G. (with Paul Blokker) 2009 ‘European Identity, post-Western Europe, and Complex Cultural Diversity’, in Browning. C. and Lehti, M. (eds). The Struggle for the West: a divided and contested legacy. London: Routledge.

Delanty, G. 2009 ‘The European Heritage: history, memory and time’. In: Handbook of European Studies. Edited by C. Rumford. London: Sage.

Delanty, G. ‘Sociology’Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology2ndEdition. Oxford: Wiley. 8000 word article (revised version of the first edition entry)

Other pieces/short essays:

Delanty, G. 2023 ‘Social Theory: Legacies and Future Directions’. An Interview with Gerard Delanty by Daniel Chernilo and Aldo Mascareño European Journal of Social Theory. 26 (3): 408-23.

Delanty, G. 2022 ‘The Crisis of Stability and the Iddea of Europe Today’

[219] Delanty, G. 2022 ‘The Social Conditions of Democratic Governance: some historical and sociological reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic’. In: Multi-level governance in Europe The case of covid-19 pandemics Jan Zielonka (ed.) ARENA Report 7/22

Delanty, G. 2022 Review of Phillip Felsch The Summer of Theory: History of a Rebellion, 1960-1990. Translated by Tony Crawford. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2022. European Journal of Social Theory Vol 25.

Delanty, G. 2022 ‘The Politics of Climate Change and Migration: A Sociological Perspective on “Climate Migration” ’. European Institute of the Mediterranean, Barcelona


Delanty, G. 2020 ‘Six Political Philosophies in Search of a Virus: Critical Perspectives on the Coronavirus Pandemic’ LEQS Paper No. 156, May 2020

Delanty, G. 2016 ‘Review Essay:The Politics of Everyday Europe’Current HistoryVol. 115, No 779. PP. 117-9.

Delanty, G. 2017 ‘Thinking Beyond the European Crisis: reflections after Brexit’ Newsletter of the Cicero Foundation http://www.cicerofoundation.org/

Delanty. G. 2017 Editor of 20th Anniversary Special issue of the European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1). Introduction: ‘The European Journal of Social Theory at Twenty Years’ the European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1): 4-8.

Delanty, G. 2017 ‘Sociology in the Anthropocene: New Challenges and Old Problems’, Proceedings of the Brazilian Sociological Association, Annual Conference 2017. Published in Portuguese translation

Delanty, G. ‘Public Space and the Tasks of Cultural Heritage Today: Between Remembrance and Regeneration’. Strassbourg: Council of Europe.

In English and French