Physics and Astronomy

Preparatory Study - MSc Particle Physics

Studying the MSc in Particle Physics

The MSc in Particle Physics allows you to explore modern experimental and theoretical particle physics at the forefront of fundamental knowledge. On the MSc in Particle Physics a good working knowledge of both mathematics and modern physics will be required. Topics of particular importance are listed below. Prospective students are advised to revise them, or acquaint themselves with them, before attending the degree course.

Self-Evaluation Test

Are you ready for your MSc studies? You are strongly encouraged to take this self-evaluation test covering many of the important topics below. This will identify any areas that might need revision or further study.

Important Topics

The topics to revise depend on the research topic you choose to study but I would recommend becoming familiar with:


  • Vector methods (grad, div, curl, Laplacian, divergence, Stoke's and Green's theorems)

  • Solutions of simple ordinary and partial differential equations

  • Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates (spherical polars, cylindrical polars)

  • Functional analysis: Fourier transforms and integrals in 3D, Dirac delta function, Contour integration (Cauchy's Theorem)


Core Physics

  • Mechanics: Newton's laws, motion of rigid bodies, Lagrangian formulations, variation principle, potential theory (potentials due to distribution of mass and charge)

  • Electrodynamics: Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic wave propagation, motion of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field

  • Special relativity: Relativistic kinematics, 4-vectors, Lorentz transformations

  • Thermodynamics and statistical physics: the laws of thermodynamics and the basic idea of thermodynamic equilibrium
  • Quantum mechanics: Heisenberg uncertainty principle, wavefunctions, hydrogen atom, harmonic oscillator, ladder operators, Dirac bra-ket notation


Atomic/Nuclear/Partcile Physics

  • Atomic physics: atomic energy levels, spectral lines

  • Nuclear physics: nuclear binding energy, energy release from nuclear reactions

  • Particle physics: Natural units, scattering cross-sections and decay rates, the quark model, hadrons, basic concepts of strong and electroweak interactions

Textbooks and Reading

For the MSc in Particle Physics, and also if you plan to do your MSc Physics project in Experimental Particle Physics, you may also wish to consult the following books for some general introductory reading:

  • F Halzen and A D Martin, Quarks and Leptons, John Wiley
  • Griffiths, Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics, John Wiley

A core reading for a theoretical focus during the MSc will be:

  • M Peskin and D Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, CRC Press

Lab: if you plan do to your project in experimental particle physics, some lab experience is required.