School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Physics and Astronomy

Our research in REF 2021

We tied 7th in the UK for the quality of our Physics research environment, with 75% considered to be conducive to producing research of world-leading quality and enabling outstanding impact, in terms of its vitality and sustainability (Times Higher Education rankings of REF 2021 results)

Read more about the University’s REF 2021 results

Hear from our staff and students about studying Physics at ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, life in the Department, our supportive community, ground-breaking research and excellent links with industry and employers through the South East Physics Network (SEPnet):

SEPnet logo

We are a member of (South East Physics Network), a partnership of nine Physics departments within the South East region of England, working together to advance and sustain Physics as a strategically important subject for the UK economy and its science base in the region.

Athena Swan logo

We are proud to hold Bronze Status in the prestigious charter mark Athena SWAN and are strongly committed to promoting and cultivating an inclusive and equal culture. Find out more

Black Lives Matter

The School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences absolutely and fully condemns racism in all its forms, and we wish to express our outright support for the Black Lives Matter movement. We are deeply shocked by the killing of George Floyd, and are dismayed by the violence used against those protesting the action.

At the same time, we recognize how racism is embedded within the UK, including within its university system. Racism can assume many forms. Often unintentional, it can be subtle or it can be obvious.  It's outcomes include, for example, the under-representation of black professors, and the award gap. Too often we do not, or choose not to, see the injustices that happen in front of our eyes. We recognise that as an academic community we have a particular responsibility to lead the necessary changes by our own example.

It is our utmost wish that every member of our community feels valued and is able to reach their full potential. We are proud of and very much welcome our diversity, while fully acknowledging that there is significant underrepresentation in a number of areas.  On 10th June, more than 70 MPS faculty and staff came together in an online meeting to discuss both the challenges faced by BAME students and staff at ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, and actions that we could take in response. We together are committed to developing an active culture of anti-racism, including raising awareness amongst our faculty, staff and students, reviewing our policies and procedures, and doing all that we can to bring about positive change. We will not always get it right, and we invite honest debate; we accept that this may be uncomfortable at times, but is necessary for progress.

We also understand that racism, experienced first-hand or in the news, can cause trauma and distress. If anybody within MPS would like to discuss these issues, we encourage you to contact our inclusivity committee or the Director of Student Experience.

School contacts

School address

Department of Physics and Astronomy 
Pevensey 2 Building
Falmer Campus
Brighton BN1 9QH, UK

Undergraduate admissions

E ug.applicants@sussex.ac.uk
T +44 (0)1273 678416
F +44 (0)1273 678097

Postgraduate admissions

For MSc enquiries, please contact:

T +44 (0)1273 872505
F +44 (0)1273 678097

For PhD enquiries, please contact:

T +44 (0)1273 876762
F +44 (0)1273 678097

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences internal website

Information for current staff and students