Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Publication Scheme

(The information on this page is currently under review for future update - as at February/March 2021)

FoI logoThe Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires the University to adopt a Publication Scheme. This is a guide to information routinely held and made available to the public. From 1 January 2009 the University and its wholly owned companies have adopted the Model Publication Scheme produced by the Information Commissioner. Guides to Information have been produced in accordance with the Information Commissioner's Definition Document for Universities and Definition Document for Wholly Owned Companies and are available below in PDF format. Please contact foi@sussex.ac.uk if you have any questions.

The Guide to Information for the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ is also set out in full below.

Guide to information


  1. This Guide is produced in accordance with the Model Publication Scheme produced by the Information Commissioner and adopted by the University from 1 January 2009. The Guide is intended as a summary of where the classes and sub-classes of information covered by the Publication Scheme (as outlined in the Information Commissioner's Definition Document for Universities) may be accessed.
  2. The Guide does not list individual publications covered by the Publication Scheme, because these will change as new material is published or existing material is revised. The Guide will be reviewed and monitored regularly to ensure that it is up-to-date.
  3. Information in the Scheme will only be published when it has been approved by the highest relevant University authority. Information about the University is also published by HEFCE, HESA and the QAA. The University will not routinely publish in this Scheme any information that it considers exempt under one of the exemptions in Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or one of the exceptions in Part 3 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
  4. The University is committed whenever possible to publishing on its website, where information covered by the Publication Scheme can be accessed free of charge. Where this is not possible, requests for information covered by the Publication Scheme should be directed to the Information Officer. (The Information Officer should also be contacted in the first instance about requests for information not covered by the Publication Scheme. Such requests will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.)

Information Management Team
Sussex House


  • Where information covered by the Publication Scheme cannot be published online or otherwise supplied free of charge (e.g. by email), or where the requester's preference is for hard copies to be supplied, the University reserves the right to charge for disbursements (printing, photocopying and postage costs) and, where applicable, to charge the cover price of any commercial publication. The University will always inform the requester of any charges to be levied. The University may ask for payment before the information is provided. Charges for information covered by the Publication Scheme are separate from the fees that may be charged following Freedom of Information requests for information not covered by the Publication Scheme.
  • The University (along with any third parties, where appropriate) retains the copyright in material that it publishes on the website or which it provides (in whatever form) in response to an individual request. Use of copyright works must be only as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and, save where permitted under that Act, such material must not be copied, distributed, modified, reproduced, transmitted, published (including published on the Internet or an intranet), or otherwise made available in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

Classes of information


A1. Legal framework.

A2. How the institution is organised.

A3. Location and contact details.

A4. Lists of and information relating to organisations which the university has responsibility for, those it works in partnership with, those it sponsors and companies wholly owned by it.

A5. Student activities.


B1. Funding / income.

B2. Budgetary and account information.

B3. Financial audit reports.

B4. Capital programme.

B5. Financial regulations and procedures.

B6. Staff pay and grading structures.

B7. Register of suppliers.

B8. Procurement and tender procedures and reports.

B9. Contracts.

  • Information available on request

B10. Research funding.


C1. Annual report.

  • TBC

C2. Corporate and business plans.

C3. Teaching and learning strategy.

C4. Academic quality and standards.

C5. External review information.

C6. Corporate relations.

C7. Government and regulatory reports.


D1. Minutes from governing body, Council / Senate, academic boards and steering groups.

Committee informaton

D2. Teaching and learning committee minutes.

  • Information available on request from the Governance Office

D3. Minutes of staff / student consultation meetings.

  • Information available on request from the Governance Office

D4. Appointment committees and procedures.


E1. Policies and procedures for conducting university business.

E2. Procedures and policies relating to academic services.

E3. Procedures and policies relating to student services.

E4. Procedures and policies relating to human resources.

E5. Procedures and policies relating to recruitment.

E6. Code of Conduct for members of governing bodies.

E7. Equality and diversity.

E8. Health and Safety.

E9. Estate management.

E10. Complaints policy.

E11. Records management and personal data policies.

E12. Research policy and strategy.

E13. Charging regimes and policies.


F1. Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers.

  • Information available on request from the Governance Office

F2. Asset registers.

  • Finance Division
  • Further information available on request from the Information Management team

F3. Disclosure logs.

  • Information available on request from the Information Management team.

F4. Register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior personnel.

F5. Any register of interests kept in the university.


G1. Prospectus.

  • ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ
  • G2. Services for outside bodies.
  • See elsewhere in this Guide to Information, or contact the Governance Office if required.

G3. Course content.

G4. Welfare and counselling.

G5. Health including medical services.

G6. Careers.

G7. Chaplaincy services.

G8. Services for which the university is entitled to recover a fee together with those fees.

  • See elsewhere in this Guide to Information, or contact the Governance Office if required.

G9. Sports and recreational facilities.

G10. Museums, libraries, special collections and archives.

G11. Conference facilities.

G12. Advice and guidance.

  • See elsewhere in this Guide to Information, or contact the Governance Office if required.

G13. Local campaigns.

G14. Media releases.