Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Records Management

Effective records management is an institutional priority, given how integral record keeping is to ensuring the University runs as efficiently as possible and meets its various obligations. Without it, the University is likely to waste time and resources and risks reputational damage and non-compliance with important legislative and regulatory requirements.

Proper records management ensures that all of the University's records are created, received, used, and disposed of in our day-to-day work in a way that facilitates their most efficient and effective use.

Records are a crucial part of our organisation: they facilitate the delivery of our academic services, support decision-making, document the University’s aims, policies, and activities, and ensure that legal and administrative requirements are met. They provide evidence of the activities and transactions taking place and the decisions made by us.

The University has a Records Management Policy that provides more detail about the importance of records management and the principles that underpin it.

The Records Management Policy sits alongside an institutional Master Records Retention Schedule. Certain ‘master’ records must be kept for a specific length of time to comply with legal requirements, other records are important to the continued function of Schools and Divisions, and some records are of historical value to the University and are kept in our University Archives. The Schedule ensures that these records are identified and retained as long as is necessary.

Records Management pages provide useful guidance but if you require assistance on any aspect of records management, please contact the Information Management team. We are also happy to provide face-to-face drop-in sessions.


Last updated November 2021