For several years the plight of British honey bees has been in the news. Hives have been dying and honey crops reducing. What is to be done? During 2008, the UK Government appeared unwilling to increase its level of funding for research on honey bee health, yet action was clearly needed. LASI decided to be pro-active, devising the 'Sussex Plan for Honey Bee Health and Well Being' and seeking funding from the British public.
Action is needed to save our British bees
The first contribution was from Michael Chowen, a local businessman who has been a major benefactor of the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ and who immediately realised the importance of research on honey bee health. Subsequently, the Sussex Plan has received donations from many concerned donors, including individuals, charities, and businesses. , Burt's Bees, Waitrose, the Body Shop Foundation, the British Beekeepers Association, Mr David Reed and the Nineveh Charitable Trust have all made major donations. These donations show the importance the British public places on honey bees.
The five-year Sussex Plan comprises five projects in 'Honey Bee Health and Well Being'. The projects will each last approximately four years and will employ one or two research scientists who will lead the project alongside Professor Ratnieks. Each project will also enable the training of one or two doctoral students. In addition, local volunteers and ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ undergraduate students doing their final year projects or doing summer research bursaries are also working on the Sussex Plan.
The Sussex Plan started in October 2008, and due to the generous donations of our supporters, we have been able to continue our vital work to help bees.
Below is a link to a publications in BeeCraft and BBKA News magazines, popular UK monthly journals for beekeepers and others interested in the welfare of bees.
BeeCraft article Honey bees return in summer 2014 [PDF 2.97MB]
Sussex Plan 4 One page articles BBJ [PDF 3.20MB]
BeeCraft article February 2016 How Effective is Apistan® at Killing Varroa?