Sussex Researcher School

RDP: Induction

PGR workshops for those who are starting out on their researcher journey, are at a key turning point in their degree, or who want to refresh their knowledge base. Our mental health workshops are open to all PGRs, but are embedded in induction to set you up with healthy work practices.

These sessions will run twice a year, in October and February.
Explore the workshops on these pages or visit our scheduled events listings for sessions that are currently open for booking. If a workshop isn't bookable, add your name to the waiting list and we'll let you know when registration opens.

Becoming a postgraduate researcher: skills, strategies and support - Early stage

Pursuing a research degree isn’t just about knowledge – you need to manage yourself, too. Make a successful start to your postgraduate degree with this practical workshop, designed to prepare you for the journey ahead. You’ll get the opportunity to meet researchers from across the University and build your skills in communication, problem-solving, and time-management.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the session, you’ll have:

  • Identified the key skills and attributes of an effective researcher
  • Considered the challenges of a PGR
  • Established your priorities
  • Boosted your confidence in planning and managing your research
  • Developed a peer support group

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers in the early stages of their research degree and from all disciplines.

About the facilitators

This workshop is facilitated by Dr Fawzia Haeri Mazanderani and Dr Rebecca Webb, from the School of Education and Social Work.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.

PGR Essentials: Careers and Entrepreneurship - Early stage

This participative event promotes the University's Careers and Entrepreneurship services. You’ll find out how the Sussex Careers team supports researchers and explore various career destinations for PGRs, including setting up your own business or social enterprise. It's never too early to start thinking about what you're aiming for after your degree!

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers in the early stages of their research degree and from all disciplines.

About the facilitators

The Careers, Employability and Entrepreneurship team is based in the Student Centre. They work closely with post-graduate researchers to enhance their professional identity, employability and career awareness. They can help you to explore your career ideas and find out more about the pathways open to you both within and beyond academia.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.

PGR Essentials: Introduction to ethics - Early stage

You can not collect any new data from humans, animals, social media or conduct auto-ethnographic research without having received ethics approval beforehand, so at this early stage of your postgraduate research, it is essential to understand the ethics approval process.

This workshop will look at the key principles of undertaking ethical research, and explain how to go about obtaining ethical approval from the University. There will also be opportunities to consider some case studies, ask questions about your own work, and gain insights on how to embed good ethical practices in your research.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the workshop you will:

  • Understand the University process for gaining ethical approval and received guidance on how to make a strong application
  • Have had the opportunity to discuss ethical issues arising in your research and explored how to address them

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers in the early stages of their research degree and from all disciplines.

About the facilitators

This workshop is designed and delivered by Alice Saryazdi, Carol Cooley and Alice Ashford - Senior Research Ethics and Integrity Officers from the Professional Services Research Ethics & Integrity team.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.

PGR Essentials: Introduction to intellectual property- Early stage

This workshop will provide PGRs with an introduction to the topic of intellectual property (IP) and how to protect their research and ideas using intellectual property rights.

Participants will gain insights into the different IP rights, including patents, designs, copyright and trademarks, and what ideas or creations can be protected. In addition, we’ll explore how IP can be used to explore different activities arising from research, such as external collaborations, consultancy and licensing.

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers in the early stages of their research degree and from all disciplines.

About the facilitators

This workshop is designed and delivered by the Sussex Innovation and Business Partnerships team.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.

PGR Essentials: Introduction to the Library - Early stage

This workshop will introduce you to the Library's collections and discovery tools. With guidance from the Library Research and Open Scholarship Team, the workshop will highlight key Library resources and services for PGRs.

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers in the early stages of their research degree and from all disciplines.

About the facilitators

The Library Research Support team support researchers at all levels across the University. They offer bookable one-to-one sessions tailored to suit your specific research needs, run various group training workshops, and organise seminars and events to engage with the research community on campus.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.


Working with your supervisor: practical tips for optimising the supervisory experience - At any stage

The supervisory relationship is crucial to the success of your research degree. In this interactive 2-hour workshop, you’ll discover practical tips for optimising this relationship. We’ll consider common problems and develop strategies for overcoming them.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the session, you’ll have:

  • A clearer sense of the supervisory relationship and how it develops
  • Tools and templates for getting the most out of your supervisory meetings
  • Techniques for requesting and implementing constructive feedback
  • An awareness of common problems and how to deal with them

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers at all stages and from all disciplines.

About the facilitator

This workshop is designed and delivered by Dr Catherine Pope, a self-employed coach and workshop facilitator.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.

Looking after yourself during your research degree - At any stage

Doing a research degree poses some unique challenges that can affect your mental health and wellbeing. In this workshop, we will explore these challenges and the factors that influence wellbeing and mental health during the research degree (like isolation or the relation with supervisors) in a supportive environment. We will talk about how to understand wellbeing and mental health issues within people’s own situations/experiences and therefore explore how various self-care strategies can be tailored to people’s specific needs, not with a ‘one-size fits all’ approach. We will discuss when to seek help and how to navigate support services at Sussex and beyond.

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers at any stage and from any discipline.

About the facilitators

Helen Quin, Student Advisor at BSMS and Humanistic Psychotherapeutic Counsellor at Brighton Therapy Collective, and Dr Sophie Valeix, a Sussex PhD alum with extensive experience researching PGR mental health, bringing her lived experience to these sessions.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.

Making progress in your research degree - Mid stage

Are you part-way through your research degree and wondering how to keep going? Do you need a push to progress to the final stages? If yes, this session is for you.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the workshop you will:

  • Clarify where you are with your research degree
  • Identify your critical success factors
  • Learn tools and techniques to boost your productivity
  • Build a support network
  • Develop a plan for success

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers in the mid stage of their research degree and from all disciplines

About the facilitators

This workshop is designed and delivered by Dr Catherine Pope, a self-employed coach and workshop facilitator.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.

Planning the final year of your research degree - Late stage

There's so much to fit in to your final year and careful planning is essential. With clear guidance, individual exercises, and group discussion, this practical workshop helps you prepare for the last stages of your research degree, including submission, the viva, and what happens next. Please note, there is a separate workshop that goes into much more detail on the viva.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the session, you’ll have:

  • A strategy for the successful completion of your thesis
  • More confidence in your ability to get through the final year
  • A clear idea of the skills you need to develop

Target audience

Postgraduate researchers in the late stage of their research degree and from all disciplines.

About the facilitators

This workshop is designed and delivered by Dr Catherine Pope, a self-employed coach and workshop facilitator.

Booking information

For online workshops, the link to join the session will be shared to your Sussex email address one working day before the event.

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk