Sussex ESRC Doctoral Training Centre (internal)

Researcher Training Support Grant (RTSG)

Advice for ESRC funded students on how to apply for RTSG and what expenses are included

What is Research Training Support Grant (RTSG)?

RTSG is funding available to pay for expenses which the student/supervisor/department deem to be in direct support of a student’s research. If you are unsure whether your expenses will be covered by RTSG you should contact the ESRC DTC Coordinator to check: pgr-scholarships@sussex.ac.uk

Examples are:

  • UK fieldwork expenses (and overseas fieldwork, in addition to Overseas Fieldwork Allowance)
  • UK, EU and overseas conferences and summer schools
  • language training courses usually undertaken in the UK prior to an overseas fieldwork trip
  • reimbursement of interpreters, guides, assistants
  • survey costs, such as printing, stationery, telephone calls
  • buying small items of equipment, such as cameras, tape recorders, films, cassettes
  • gifts for local informants
  • books and other reading material not available through libraries.
Am I eligible for RTSG?

All ESRC-funded students are eligible, including part-time and fees-only award-holders. Applications can only be considered during the funded period of your course.

How can I claim my RTSG?

Award-holders who started in 2011 or 2012 must contact the Research and Enterprise coordinator in their school.

If you started in 2013 or later you should:

  1. Complete the DTC RTSG Form with statement and signature from your supervisor. This should be done before you incur the expenditure.
  2. Email the form to pgr-scholarships@sussex.ac.uk including details of the amount you want to apply for and what you intend to spend the money on. Include evidence of the costs, such as quotations or screen shots.
  3. We will let you know if your application for RTSG is approved or if any amendments need to be made. Since the funds are limited we cannot commit to always meeting the expenses for which you claim.
  4. If your application is approved you should keep receipts of your expenes, complete a Student Expenses Claim form and submit this with the receipts by email to pgr-scholarships@sussex.ac.uk.


Sussex ESRC Doctoral Training Centre (internal)