Sussex Researcher School

Reflections on being a PGR rep - Josh Hutton

With the 2016-17 PGR Reps having now been anounced, we caught up with SPRU doctoral researcher Josh Hutton who shared his reflections on having been a PGR Student Rep in 2015-16.


Josh Hutton"Over the last 10 months I have had the privilege of representing PGRs as a Social Science Cluster Rep and as the PGR Rep on Senate and Council. I have been involved in a great many projects including plans for the new Life Sciences building, helped to change the PREVENT compliance, helped to change Student Discipline regulations, and even been involved in the selection of the new Vice-Chancellor. It has been a learning experience and I am sad to be leaving just as I feel like I was getting to grips with the role. I will be in contact with my successor early in January to ask how I can be of service.

My involvement in attempting to improve the lives of Sussex PGRs does not end here. I will be maintaining close relationships with the PG Education Officer and future Cluster, Senate, and Council Reps as well as maintaining a prominent role in my department.

Additionally, I have begun a project to open the black box of Doctoral Education by launching Doctoral Discussions. This weekly podcast is currently uploading to MixCloud, will shortly be uploading to iTunes, and aims to explore what life is like for a Doctoral Candidate at Sussex. If you would like to be a guest on the show in the Spring term, contact me via e-mail (J.R.Hutton@sussex.ac.uk), or twitter (@JoshuaRHutton or @DocDiscussions)."


Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk