Human Resources

Recruitment guidance

Read the full guidance and procedures for recruiting staff.

Recruitment procedures and guidance

Approval for University-funded Professional Services, technician and academic posts

All requests must be entered onto the ‘request to fill’ Recruitment Tracker for your Division or School. Please contact the budget holder in the first instance to discuss what you need.

Recruitment Tracker guidance

Each School and Division has a Recruitment Tracker, replacing all previous forms. These will be managed by Finance and HR to ensure complete oversight of the process.

A clear justification to support all requests to fill must be provided. The process is generally as follows: 

  1. The recruiting manager initiates recruitment by discussing their role requirement with the HoS, DoPs or HoPs.
  2. If the post is a job share OR split across 2 plus departments OR split between research funding and University funding, then the RTF will still be entered onto the Tracker.
  3. A full explanation of the criteria and justification of the role must be given.
  4. A DBS assessment must be carried out against each new post.
  5. On a DAILY basis Management Accounting Services (MAS) will assign the RTF numbers, apply coding and notify Finance BP’s by e-mail so they can check coding and add signature. They will also correspond with research finance if the post is split between the two areas.
  6. The COO/Provost and Director of Finance will review the RTF’s weekly and approve, cancel or defer RTFs.
  7. If approved, the HR Business Services Team will action accordingly and the recruiting manager will be notified.
  8. If deferred or cancelled, a clear explanation will be given, that will be available to the HoS, DoPs and HoPs.

Approval for research-funded posts

All requests must be completed using the forms below:

Temporary agency worker requests

Find out the process for appointing non-permanent workers.

Advert, job description and person specification template

Disclosure and Barring Service

It's important to know as early as possible if a job role is subject to a DBS check. Please use the guidance below to aid in completing the assessment form to determine if a role has any DBS requirements.