School of Engineering and Informatics (for staff and students)

Student Reps (click here for list of your Reps)

Introducing your Student Reps. Don’t forget you can contact the student reps at any point during the year if you have a question or issue relating to your teaching, learning or wider student experience at Sussex.

School of Engineering and Informatics student representatives for the academic year 2024-2025:




Design and Business (Foundation)


Engineering (Foundation)

Abigail Kearney / Kinda Balloul

ak2135@sussex.ac.uk / kyb21@sussex.ac.uk

Engineering PGR

Mohammad Mahdi Jafarizadeh Jazi


Engineering PGT

Simran Saikia / Arjun Bedi

S.Saikia@sussex.ac.uk / ab2459@sussex.ac.uk

Engineering Year 2

Abhimanyu Gupta / Mohamed Husham Mohamed Hassan / Liv Camacho Wejbrandt

ag885@sussex.ac.uk / mh865@sussex.ac.uk / lc854@sussex.ac.uk

Engineering Year 3

Daniel Connolly


Engineering Year 4


Engineering (Foundation Year)

Sophie Stubbs


Informatics (Foundation)

Anna Cosenza / Oliver Janion

acc55@sussex.ac.uk / oj88@sussex.ac.uk

Informatics PGR

Tom Harwood


Informatics PGT

Rucha Mundhe


Informatics Year 1


Informatics Year 2

Parth Arora / Syeda Marina Kirmani

pa338@sussex.ac.uk / sk939@sussex.ac.uk

Informatics Year 3

Ricardo Escudero Alejos / Max Rahneberg / Amy Upson

re266@sussex.ac.uk / mr721@sussex.ac.uk / altu20@sussex.ac.uk

Informatics Year 4


International Student Rep


Product Design Year 1

Jamie Graham


Product Design Year 2

Emre Bilgin


Product Design Year 3

Max Goldbloom


Sustainability Student Rep


Foundation Year Reps (Informatics)

Anna Cosenza / Oliver Janion

acc55@sussex.ac.uk / oj88@sussex.ac.uk

Foundation Year Reps (Engineering)

Abigail Kearney / Kinda Balloul

ak2135@sussex.ac.uk / kyb21@sussex.ac.uk

Placement Year Rep

Charlotte Richardson


Accessibility Rep

Charlotte Richardson


Masters in Engineering Business Management (PGT)

Simran Saikia


PhD Informatics Rep (PGR)

Tom Harwood


PhD Engineering Rep (PGR)

Mohammad Mahdi Jafarizadeh Jazi


Senior Course Rep

Tom Harwood


If there is currently no representative for your course and year, and you would like to volunteer, please email the School Office: ei@sussex.ac.uk

What do student reps do?

Reps ensure that student concerns, views and opinions are heard and acted upon by the University and the Students Union. By consulting students about their teaching and learning experience and taking these views to the University, reps ensure that good things get emulated in other courses/departments/schools and the bad things get changed. Essentially this means that reps:

  • find out if students in their department year / School have any concerns or issues relating to their course or student experience at Sussex;
  • relay these issues to the University’s academic departments, senior management, and Students’ Union and make suggestions for change;
  • relay the outcome of any meetings with the University or Students Union back to the students they represent.

By doing this, reps play a key part in reviewing and improving the student experience at Sussex.

All Student reps in the School attend the termly School Student Experience Group (SSEG) meeting, a forum for the student reps to discuss items, issues arising from their constituents and any other items of concern about the University as well.  These meetings are minuted and these are available for all students to view (see the Student Rep Meeting Minutes page).

School reps also will make sure to liaise with students outside of SSEG meetings to ensure that issues are dealt with in a timely manner at the above committee and others which they attend, and that information, responses to queries and relevant decisions are fed back their constituents after the committees have met.  



School of Engineering and Informatics (for staff and students)

School Office:
School of Engineering and Informatics, ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, Chichester 1 Room 002, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QJ
T 01273 (67) 8195

School Office opening hours: School Office open Monday – Friday 09:00-15:00, phone lines open Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00
School Office location [PDF 1.74MB]