4th April 2023
The BLAST (Building Links in Ageing Science and Translation) research network is holding a one-day workshop on the Ageing of the Mind and Senses at the Conference Centre of the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ in collaboration with the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ Centre for Cognitive Science (COGS).
The workshop will comprise scientific talks by experts on how both cognition and values change with ageing, how the process alters sensory inputs (hearing, sight and taste) as well as potential interventions that may prevent or recover functional changes. There will also be an inclusive discussion session for all attendees to identify capacity and needs in UK ageing research and help to co-develop pump priming funding relevant to the theme of the workshop. The workshop will provide opportunities to network with others in the field.
Attendance at the workshop is free of charge through the generosity of BLAST funders BBSRC and MRC (as part of the wider UK Ageing Networks ).
Attendance is strictly limited to 50 people. Places will be offered as soon as possible after application. Applications close on the 30th of March.
Please express your interest now.
To apply for this workshop please:
a) download and complete the ‘Registration form for Workshop’ Word document and email it to p.kolaiti2@brighton.ac.uk and R.G.A.Faragher@brighton.ac.uk using as subject title ‘Registration application for Ageing of the Mind and Senses Workshop’
You can apply to participate in the workshop as:
a) a poster presenter,
b) a flash talk presenter with poster or
c) a non-presenting attendee.
Please note that all flash talk presenters should also present a poster.
Flash talks will be 5 minutes long.
Posters should be standard A0 size (84.1cm x 118.9cm) and portrait layout.
Provisional Programme:
09:45 Professor Richard Faragher (University of Brighton)
Introduction: The BLAST network and the questions for the day
Session 1: MIND
Chair: Professor Richard Faragher (University of Brighton)
10:00 Dr Patricia Kolaiti (University of Brighton)
Questions in the ageing of the mind
10:15 Mr Pat Dade (Cultural Dynamics)
Maslow Theory and the ageing of the mind
10:45 Dr Sue Broughton (CFIN/University of Lancaster)
Cognitive frailty and extended lifespan: Lessons from Drosophila melanogaster
11:30 Short Talks (3x5 minute presentations)
13:30 Session 2: SENSES
13.30 Professor Michael Wormstone (UEA)
Small molecule interventions for posterior capsule opacification
14:15 Dr Susan Sandeman (University of Brighton)
Novel materials for intraocular devices
15:30 Professor Ian Russel (University of Brighton)
Age related hearing loss- treatments
16:15 Dr Mirriam Clegg (Food4Years/University of Reading)
Improving foods and diets for better quality of life, independence, and health-span in older adults
17:00 Short Talks (3x5 minute presentations)
17:15 Dr Mike Bowen (College of Optometrists)
Summary and next steps
17:30 Networking reception and discussion
Venue address:
Conference Centre
Level 3
Bramber House
Refectory Road
East Sussex
email: blast@ukanet.org.uk
Twitter: @AgeingBlast