Economics Working Paper Series
Download a working paper from Economics, featuring recent research output by the members of the department as well as colleagues outside the ܽƵ.
Latest papers
The Impact of GSP Graduations on Indian exporters
Ingo Borchert and Mattia Di Ubaldo
(EDS-WPS-01-2025) The paper is now available to download: WPS-01-2025 [PDF 460.32KB]
Income shock and Women’s Health Spending: Evidence from India*
Shubhangi Agrawal, Sambit Bhattacharyya, Chirantan Chatterjee and
Somdeep Chatterjee
(EDS-WPS-13-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-13-2024 [PDF 2.26MB]
Select a year to see working papers.
- 2024
The Trade Impact of Surprise Graduations from the EU's GSP Scheme
Ingo Borchert, Mattia Di Ubaldo
(EDS-WPS-12-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-12-2024 [PDF 629.02KB]
Globalization, Trade, and Inequality: Evidence from a New Database
Ingo Borchert, Mario Larch, Serge Shikher, Yoto V. Yotov
(EDS-WPS-11-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-11-2024 [PDF 1.29MB]
Remittance Income and Crime in Mexico
Diego De la Fuente Stevens
(EDS-WPS-10-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-10-2024 [PDF 6.83MB]
The Impact of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana on
Indian HouseholdsNabeel Asharaf, Richard Tol
(EDS-WPS-09-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-09-2024[PDF 0.54MB]
Loan Choice and Indebtedness of Bangladeshi Return Migrants
Amer Ahmed, Esther M. Bartl
(EDS-WPS-08-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-08-2024[PDF 1.12MB]
Towards a representative social cost of carbon
Jinchi Dong, Richard Tol, Fanzhi Wang
(EDS-WPS-07-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-07-2024[PDF 2.62MB]
Effects of a teacher training reform in
GuatemalaMaria Pia Iocco
(EDS-WPS-06-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-06-2024[PDF 1.05MB]
Impact of school closures on academic
performance: Evidence from ChileMaria Pia Iocco
(EDS-WPS-05-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-05-2024[PDF 0.64MB]
Urban and Non-Urban Contributions to the Social Cost of Carbon
Francisco Estrada, Veronica Lupi, Wouter Botzen and Richard S.J. Tol
(EDS-WPS-04-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-04-2024[PDF 1.04MB]
Actualised and future changes in regional economic growth through sea level rise
Theodoros Chatzivasileiadis, Ignasi Cortes Arbues, Jochen Hinkel, Daniel Lincke and Richard S.J. Tol
(EDS-WPS-03-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-03-2024[PDF 7.0MB]
Endogenous preference for non-market goods in carbon
abatement decisionFangzhi Wang, Hua Liao and Richard S.J. Tol
(EDS-WPS-02-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-02-2024[PDF 1.95MB]
Does green innovation crowd out other innovation of firms? - based on the extended CDM model and unconditional quantile regressions
Richard S.J. Tol and Yi Yang
(EDS-WPS-01-2024) The paper is now available to download: WPS-01-2024 [PDF 2.52MB]
- 2023
Baumol’s climate disease
Fangzhi Wang, Hua Liao and Richard S.J. Tol
(EDS-WPS-07-2023) The paper is now available to download: WPS-07-2023 [PDF 1.11MB]
Gender Differences in Preference for Non-pecuniary Benefits in the Labour Market. Experimental Evidence from an Online Freelancing Platform.*
Rakesh Banerjee, Tushar Bharati, Adnan M. S. Fakir, Yiwei Qian and Naveen Sunder
(EDS-WPS-06-2023) This paper is now available to download: WPS-06-2023 [PDF 2.67MB]
The fiscal implications of stringent climate policy
Richard S.J. Tol
(EDS-WPS-05-2023) This paper is now available to download: WPS-05-2023 [PDF 2.50MB]
The effects of weather conditions on economic growth: Evidence from global subnational economic output and income
Jinchi Dong, Richard S.J. Tol, Jinnan Wang and Bi Jun
(EDS-WPS-04-2023) This paper is now available for download: WPS-04-2023 [PDF 3.27 MB]
Gender and the time cost of peer review
Diane Alexander, Olga Gorelkina, Erin Hengel and Richard S.J. Tol
(EDS-WPS-03-2023) This paper is now available for download: WPS-03-2023 [PDF 719.79 KB]
The climate niche of Homo Sapiens
Richard S.J. Tol
(EDS-WPS-02-2023) This paper is now available for download: WPS-02-2023 [PDF 808.13 KB]
Economic consequences of the spatial and temporal variability of climate change
Francisco Estrada, Richard S.J. Tol and Wouter Botzen
(EDS-WPS-01-2023) This paper is now available for download: WPS-01-2023 [PDF 1.94 MB]
- 2022
Relevance of financial development and fiscal stability in dealing with disasters in Emerging Economies
Richard S.J. Tol and Valeria Terrones
(EDS-WPS-07-2022) This paper is now available for download: WPS-07-2022 [PDF 718.74 KB]
Occupational polarisation and endogenous task-biased technical change
Wenchao Jin
(ED-WPS-06-2022) This paper is now available for download: WPS-06-2022 [PDF 1.83 MB]
Health Costs of a “Healthy Democracy”: The Impact of Peaceful
Political Protests on Healthcare UtilizationAdnan M.S. Fakir and Tushar Bharati
(ED-WPS-05-2022) This paper is now available for download: WPS-05-2022 [PDF 11.13 MB]
A meta-analysis of the total economic impact of climate change
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-04-2022) This paper is now available for download: WPS-04-2022 [PDF 5.04 MB]
Nobel students beget Nobel professors
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-03-2022) This paper is now available for download: WPS-03-2022 [PDF 422 KB]
Oil Discovery, Boom-Bust Cycle and Manufacturing Slowdown: Evidence from a Large Industry Level Dataset
Nouf Alsharif and Sambit Bhattacharyya
(ED-WPS-02-2022) This paper is now available for download: WPS-02-2022 [PDF 496 KB]
Confidence Intervals for Recursive Journal Impact Factors
Johannes König, David I. Stern, and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-01-2022) This paper is now available for download: WPS-01-2022 [PDF 2,693 KB]
- 2021
Credit Creation, Economic Progress and the Saturation Effect: A Sector Level Analysis
Nader AlKathiri and Sambit Bhattacharyya
(ED-WPS-11-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS-11-2021 [PDF 1.07MB]
Drivers of Electricity GHG Emissions and the Role of Natural Gas in Mexican Energy Transition
Mónica Santillán Vera, Lilia García Manrique, Isabel Rodríguez Peña, Angel de la Vega Navarro
(ED-WPS-10-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS-10-2021 [PDF 699.36KB]
Trade Data Statistics
Michael Gasiorek and Nicolò Tamberi
(ED-WPS-09-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS-09-2021 (1014.31KB)
Estimates of the social cost of carbon have not changed over time
Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-08-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS-08-2021 (1.45MB)
State capacity and vulnerability to natural disasters
Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-07-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS-07-2021 (386.89KB)
A comprehensive revealed preference approach to approximate utility maximisation and non-transitive indifferences
Paweł Dziewulski
(ED-WPS-06-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS-06-2021 (514.55KB)
The economic impact of weather and climate
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-05-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS 05-2021 (1.15MB)
Trade costs and patterns of trade in the Philippines
Eugenia C. Go
(ED-WPS-04-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS 04-2021 (3.30MB)
Making sense of monkey business: Re-examining tests of animal rationality
Roy Allen, Pawel Dziewulski and John Rehbeck
(ED-WPS-03-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS 03-2021 [261.22KB]
Revealed statistical consumer theory
Roy Allen, Pawel Dziewulski and John Rehbeck
(ED-WPS-02-2021) This paper is now available for download: WPS 02-2021 [359.95KB]
Comparative statics with linear objectives: normal demand, monotone marginal costs, and ranking multi-prior beliefs
Pawel Dziewulski and John K.-H. Quah
(ED-WPS-01-2021) This paper was updated in December 2022 and is now available for download: WPS 01-2021 [551.18KB]
- 2020
Non-trade provisions in trade agreements and FDI
Mattia Di Ubaldo and Michael Gasiorek
(ED-WPS-21-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS 21-2020 [689.42KB]
Do preschools add ‘value’? Evidence on achievement gaps from rural India
Sweta Gupta
(ED-WPS-20-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-20-2020 [1014.68KB]
Testing the Dismal Theorem
David Anthoff and Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-19-2020) This paper is now available for download:
Mind the Gap: Trade Costs and Markups in the Philippines
Eugenia C. Go
(ED-WPS-18-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-18-2020 [PDF 2.48MB]
Unhappy is the land without symbols: Group symbols in infinitely repeated public good games
Tom Potoms and Tom Truyts
(ED-WPS-17-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-17-2020 [PDF 632KB]
Gambling in Risk-Taking Contests: Experimental Evidence
Matthew Embrey, Christian Seel and J. Philipp Reiss
(ED-WPS-16-2020) This paper was updated in August 2022 and is now available for download: WPS-16-2020 [PDF 1.01MB]
Bargaining with a Residual Claimant: An Experimental Study
Matthew Embrey, Kyle Hyndman and Arno Riedl
(ED-WPS-15-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-15-2020 [PDF 1.70MB]
How Do Exchange Rate Depreciations Affect Trade and Prices? A Survey and Lessons about UK Experience after June 2016
Yohannes Ayele and L. Alan Winters
(ED-WPS-14-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-14-2020 [PDF 1.70MB]
Markov distributional equilibrium dynamics in games with complementarities and no aggregate risk
Pawel Dziewulski
(ED-WPS-13-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-13-2020 [PDF 1.70MB]
The distributional impact of climate change
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-12-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-12-2020 [PDF 1.70MB]
The economic impact of climate in the long run
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-11-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-11-2020 [PDF 1.70MB]
A History of Global Capitalism: Feuding Elites and Imperial Expansion
Sambit Bhattacharyya
(ED-WPS-10-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-10-2020 [PDF 1.70MB]
The Pursuit of Non-Trade Policy Objectives in EU Trade Policy
Ingo Borchert and Paola Conconi and Mattia Di Ubaldo and Cristina Herghelegiu
(ED-WPS-09-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-09-2020 [PDF 281.15KB]
Applications of the Coase Theorem
Tatyana Deryugina and Frances Moore and Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-08-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-08-2020 [PDF 355.51KB]
Kernel density decomposition with an application to the social cost of carbon
Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-07-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-07-2020 [PDF 522.74KB]
Fossil fuel resources, decarbonization, and economic growth drive the feasibility of Paris climate targets
Vivek Srikrishnan, Yawen Guan2, Richard S. J. Tol and Klaus Keller
(ED-WPS-06-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-06-2020 [PDF 5.30MB]
Go ahead and trade: the effect of uncertainty removal in the EU's GSP scheme
Ingo Borchert and Mattia Di Ubaldo
(ED-WPS-05-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-05-2020 [PDF 649.50KB]
The Impact of the Bono Social De Electricidad on Energy Poverty in Spain
Guillermo García Alvarez and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-04-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-04-2020 [PDF 1.41MB]
Export-platform FDI and Brexit Uncertainty
Nicolo' Tamberi
(ED-WPS-03-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-03-2020 [PDF 1.41MB]
Selfish Bureaucrats and Policy Heterogeneity in Nordhaus’ dice
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-02-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-02-2020 [PDF 1.27MB]]
Oil Revenues vs Domestic Taxation: Deeper insights into the crowding-out effect
Michael Keller
(ED-WPS-01-2020) This paper is now available for download: WPS-01-2020 [PDF 2.29MB]
Revealed statistical consumer theory
- 2019
Revealed statistical consumer theory
Roy Allen and Pawel Dziewulski and John Rehbeck
(ED-WPS-11-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-11-2019 [PDF 207.38KB]
The Economics of Missionary Expansion: Evidence from Africa and Implications for Development
Remi Jedwab, Felix Meier zu Selhausen and Alexander Moradi
(ED-WPS-10-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-10-2019 [PDF 8.27MB]
Refugee camps – a lasting legacy? Evidence on long-term health impact
Olive Nsababera
(ED-WPS-09-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-09-2019 [PDF 745.44KB]
Wasted windfalls: Inefficiencies in health care spending in oil rich countries
Michael Keller
(ED-WPS-08-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-08-2019 [PDF 478.28KB]
Attitudes Towards Public Health Spending: The Case of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom
Peter Dolton, Mehmet Kutluay and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-07-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-07-2019 [PDF 871.09KB]
Supermodular correspondences and comparison of multi-prior beliefs
Pawel Dziewulski and John K. H. Quah
(ED-WPS-06-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-06-2019 [PDF 457.10KB]
Just-noticeable difference as a behavioural foundation of the critical cost-efficiency index
Pawel Dziewulski
(ED-WPS-05-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-05-2019 [PDF 312.11KB]
Bargaining with a Residual Claimant: An Experimental Study
Matthew Embrey, Kyle Hyndman and Arno Riedl
(ED-WPS-04-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-04-2019 [PDF 1.39MB]
The elusive consensus on climate change
Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-03-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-03-2019 [PDF 495.92KB]
A social cost of carbon for (almost) every country
Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-02-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-02-2019 [PDF 1.29MB]
Correlates of Social Value Orientation: Evidence from a Large Sample of the UK Population
Peter Dolton, Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-01-2019) This paper is now available for download: WPS-01-2019 [PDF 1.44MB]
- 2018
Energy and Climate
Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-16-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-16-2018 [PDF 1.11MB]
Precision May Harm: The Comparative Statics of Imprecise Judgement
Sean Horan, Paola Manzini, Marco Mariotti
(ED-WPS-15-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-15-2018 [PDF 533.89KB]
Over Land and Over Sea: Domestic Trade Frictions in the Philippines
Eugenia C. Go
(ED-WPS-14-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-14-2018 [PDF 1.94MB]
The impact of climate change and the social cost of carbon
Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-13-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-13-2018 [PDF 627.15KB]
Terrorist Attacks and Immigration Rhetoric: A Natural Experiment on British MPs
Daniele Guariso
(ED-WPS-12-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-12-2018 [PDF 3.14MB]
The stock markets’ reflection on the IPCC’s findings
Theodoros Chatzivasileiadis, Richard S. J. Tol, Francisco Estrada and Marjan W. Hofkes
(ED-WPS-11-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-11-2018 [PDF 253.70KB]
Inferring Cognitive Heterogeneity from Aggregate Choices
Valentino Dardanoni, Paola Manzini, Marco Mariotti and Christopher J. Tyson
(ED-WPS-10-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-10-2018 [PDF 456.06KB] (revised May 2018)
Causal effects of PetroCaribe on sustainable development: a synthetic control analysis
Acel Jardón, Onno Kuik, and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-09-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-09-2018 [PDF 2.79MB]
European Union services liberalisation in CETA
Julia Magntorn and L. Alan Winters
(ED-WPS-08-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-08-2018 [PDF 596.41KB]
The Heterogeneous Local Labour Effects of Mining Booms
Edgar Salgado Chavez
(ED-WPS-07-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-07-2018 [PDF 280.27KB]
Growing Up in a War: The Shaping of Trust and Identity After Conflict in Peru
Edgar Salgado Chavez
(ED-WPS-06-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-06-2018 [PDF 349.54KB]
Rise of the Kniesians: The professor-student network of Nobel laureates in economics
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-05-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-05-2018 [PDF 828.51KB]
Natural Resources and Political Patronage in Africa: An Ethnicity Level Analysis
Nemera Mamo and Sambit Bhattacharyya
(ED-WPS-04-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-04-2018 [PDF 942.74KB]
Climate Change Awareness and Willingness to Pay for its Mitigation: Evidence from the UK
Monica Novackova and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-03-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-03-2018 [PDF 368.05KB]
Foreign Aid Concentration and Natural Disasters
Subhani Keerthiratne and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-02-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-02-2018 [PDF 845.73KB]
How to Count Citations If You Must: Comment
David I. Stern and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-01-2018) This paper is now available for download: WPS-01-2018 [PDF 474.38KB]
- 2017
Temperature shocks, growth and poverty thresholds: evidence from rural Tanzania
Marco Letta, Pierluigi Montalbano, and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-21-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-21-2017 [PDF 1.08MB]
Vulnerability from trade in Vietnam
Emiliano Magrini, Pierluigi Montalbano, and L. Alan Winters
(ED-WPS-20-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-20-2017 [PDF 951.31KB]
Public preferences and valuation of new malaria risk
Mehmet Kutluay, Roy Brouwer, Haripriya Gundimeda, Nitin Lokhande and Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-19-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-19-2017 [PDF 324.14KB]
Cognitive Skills and Intra-Household Allocation of Schooling
Jorge García Hombrados
(ED-WPS-18-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-18-2017 [PDF 276.87KB]
The Lasting Effects of Natural Disasters on Property Crime: Evidence from the 2010 Chilean Earthquake
Jorge García Hombrados
(ED-WPS-17-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-17-2017 [PDF 868.03KB]
Systematic sensitivity analysis of the full economic impacts of sea level rise
T. Chatzivasileiadis, F. Estrada, M. W. Hofkes and R. S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-16-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-16-2017 [PDF 10.07MB]
Preference updating in public health risk valuation
Mehmet Kutluay, Roy Brouwer and Richard S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-15-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-15-2017 [PDF 645.19KB]
The memory of Katrina and the stock market response to hurricane-related news and events
T. Chatzivasileiadis, F. Estrada, M. W. Hofkes and R. S. J. Tol
(ED-WPS-14-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-14-2017 [PDF 10.95MB]
Child Marriage and Infant Mortality: Evidence from Ethiopia
Jorge García Hombrados
(ED-WPS-13-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-13-2017 [PDF 1.40MB]
Deep and Not Comprehensive? What the WTO rules permit for a UK-EU Trade Agreement
Emily Lydgate and L Alan Winters
(ED-WPS-12-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-12-2017 [PDF 1.05MB]
Thoughts on the Economics of Secondary Benefits between Climate Change Mitigation and Air Pollution Regulation
Kristie L. Ebi, Richard S.J. Toland Gary W. Yohe
(ED-WPS-11-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-11-2017 [PDF 720.58KB]
Leaving an emissions trading scheme – insights from the United Kingdom
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-10-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-10-2017 [PDF 197.68KB]
Resource Discovery and the Political Fortunes of National Leaders
Sambit Bhattacharyya, Michael Keller and Rabah Arezki
(ED-WPS-09-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-09-2017 [PDF 774.94KB]
Impact of Natural Disasters on Income Inequality in Sri Lanka
Subhani Keerthiratne, Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-08-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-08-2017 [PDF 724.86KB]
The Private Benefit of Carbon and its Social Cost
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-07-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-07-2017 [PDF 395.96KB]
They win, I leave: the impact of the Northern League party on foreign internal migration
Egidio Farina
(ED-WPS-06-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-06-2017 [PDF 692.28KB]
Intensive and Extensive Margins of Mining and Development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
Nemera Mamo, Sambit Bhattacharyya, Alexander Moradi and Rabah Arezki
(ED-WPS-05-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-05-2017 [PDF 578.88KB]
Trade Policy & Lobbying Effectiveness: Theory and Evidence for India
Amrita Saha
(ED-WPS-04-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-04-2017 [PDF 702.98KB]
Eliciting strategies in indefinitely repeated games of strategic substitutes and complements
Matthew Embrey, Friederike Mengel and Ronald Peeters
(ED-WPS-03-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-03-2017 [PDF 427.99KB]
Politics and crime in black & white
Egidio Farina
(ED-WPS-02-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-02-2017 [PDF 407.68KB]
Estimating the Willingness to Pay for Tenure Security in Brazilian Favelas
Julie Litchfield and Caio Piza
(ED-WPS-01-2017) This paper is now available for download: WPS-01-2017 [PDF 560.08KB]
- 2016
Weather, climate and total factor productivity
Marco Letta and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-102-2016) This paper is now available for download: WPS-102-2016 [PDF 803.73KB]
Impact of Natural Disasters on Financial Development
Subhani Keerthiratne and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-101-2016) This paper is now available for download: WPS-101-2016 [PDF 2.16MB]
Dangerous Interference with the Climate System: an Economic Assessment
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-100-2016) This paper is now available for download: WPS-100-2016 [PDF 442.07KB]
Economic Diversification in Resource Rich Countries: Uncovering the State of Knowledge
Nouf Alsharif, Sambit Bhattacharyya and Maurizio Intartaglia
(ED-WPS-98-2016) This paper is now available for download: WPS-98-2016 [PDF 756.62KB]
Hidden Human Capital: Psychological Empowerment & Adolescent Girls’ Aspirations in India
Sanchari Roy, Matthew Morton and Shrayana Bhattacharya
(ED-WPS-97-2016) This paper is now available for download: WPS-97-2016 [PDF 568.33KB]
The Structure of the Climate Debate
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-96-2016) This paper is now available for download: WPS-96-2016 [PDF 358.03KB]
Effects of Sea Level Rise on Economy of the United States
Monika Novackova and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-95-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-95-2016 [PDF 711.88KB]
Does Climate Aid Affect Emissions? Evidence from a Global Dataset
Sambit Bhattacharyya, Maurizio Intartaglia and Andy Mckay
(ED-WPS-94-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-94-2016 [PDF 322.04KB]The Poor and the Poorest, fifty years on: Evidence from British Household Expenditure Surveys of the 1950s and 1960s
Ian Gazeley, Hector Gutierrez Rufrancos, Andrew Newell, Kevin Reynolds and Rebecca Searle
(ED-WPS-93-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-93-2016 [PDF 894.12KB]
Take what you can: property rights, contestability and conflict
Thiemo Fetzer and Samuel Marden
(ED-WPS-92-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-92-2016 [PDF 1.88MB]
The agricultural roots of industrial development: ‘forward linkages’ in reform era China
Samuel Marden
(ED-WPS-91-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-91-2016 [PDF 1.95MB]
Family Size and the Demand for Sex Selection: Evidence From China
Samuel Marden
(ED-WPS-90-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-90-2016 [PDF 1.19MB]
Resource Discovery and the Politics of Fiscal Decentralization
Sambit Bhattacharyya, Louis Conradie and Rabah Arezki
(ED-WPS-89-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-89-2016 [PDF 653.92KB]
Disciplinary Sanction and Social Pressure in English Premiership Soccer
Barry Reilly and Robert Witt
(ED-WPS-88-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-88-2016 [PDF 693.08KB]
Strategy Revision Opportunities and Collusion
Matthew Embrey, Friederike Mengel, Ronald Peeters
(ED-WPS-87-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-87-2016 [PDF 645.65KB] (revised January 2017)
Cooperation in the Finitely Repeated Prisoner's
DilemmaMatthew Embrey, Guillaume R. Fréchette, Sevgi Yuksel
(ED-WPS-86-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-86-2016 [PDF 1.72MB] (revised June 2017)
Shutting Down the Thermohaline Circulation
David Anthoff, Francisco Estrada and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-85-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-85-2016 [PDF 496.63KB]
A survey of the UK population on public policy
Peter Dolton and Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-84-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-84-2016 [PDF 3.97MB]
Distributional Implications of Geoengineering
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS-83-2016) This paper is now available for download:WPS-83-2016 [PDF 359.21KB]
- 2015
The WTO and Regional Trading Agreements:Is it all over for Multilateralism?
L Alan Winters
(ED-WPS-82-2015) This paper is now available for download:WPS-82-2015 [PDF 733.09KB]
Tariff Liberalisation, Labour Market Flexibility and Employment: Evidence from India
Nihar Shembavnekar
(ED-WPS 81-2015) This paper is now available for download: WPS-81-2015 [PDF 1.92MB]
Product Cost-Share: a Catalyst of the Trade Collapse
Mattia Di Ubaldo
(ED-WPS 80-2015) This paper is now available for download: WPS-80-2015 [PDF 557.93KB]Do Migrant Remittances Affect Household Purchases of Physical Investments and Durable Goods? Evidence for Kenya
Farai Jena
(ED-WPS 79-2015) This paper is available for download: WPS-79-2015 [PDF 654.05KB]The impacts of climate change according to the IPCC
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS 78-2015) This paper is available for download: WPS-78-2015 [PDF 644.62KB]Crime exposure and educational outcomes in Mexico
Pedro Paulo Orraca Romano
(ED-WPS 77-2015) A new version of this paper will be available shortly.Valuing malaria morbidity: Results from a global meta-analysis
Y Mehmet Kutluay, Roy Brouwer, Richard Tol
(ED-WPS 76-2015) This paper is available for download: WPS-76-2015 [PDF 424.95KB]Economic impacts of climate change
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS 75-2015) This paper is available for download: WPS-75-2015 [PDF 684.94KB] (revised August 2015)
Does lengthening the school day increase students' academic achievement? Evidence from a natural experiment
Francisco Cabrera-Hernandez
(ED-WPS 74-2015) This paper is available for download: WPS-74-2015 [PDF 1008.54KB] - 2014
Aid and Taxation: Evidence from Ethiopia
Giulia Mascagni
(ED-WPS 73-2014) This paper is available for download: WPS-73-2014 [PDF 1.11MB]The Impact of cooking with firewood on respiratory health: Evidence from Indonesia
Ani Rudra Silwal, Andy McKay
(ED-WPS 72-2014) This paper is available for download: WPS-72-2014 [PDF 585.75KB]Ambiguity reduction by objective model selection, with an application to the costs of the EU 2030 climate targets
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS No. 71-2014) This paper is available for download: WPS-71-2014 [PDF 261.72KB]Effectiveness of capital control, economic growth and animal spirit: A cross-country analysis
Malgorzata Sulimierska
(ED-WPS No. 70-2014) This paper is available for download: WPS-70-2014 [PDF 1.32MB]Objective versus subjective assessments: The IPCC treatment of the total economic impact of climate change
Richard S.J. Tol
(ED-WPS No. 69-2014) This paper is available for download: WPS-69-2014 [PDF 292.95KB]Minimising costs and variability of electricity generation by means of optimal electricity interconnection utilisation
Muireann Á. Lynch, Richard S.J. Tol, Mark J. O’Malley
(ED-WPS No. 68-2014) This paper is available for download: WPS-68-2014 [PDF 1.81MB]Total factor productivity estimation for the Polish manufacturing industry: A comparison of alternative methods
Malgorzata Sulimierska
(ED-WPS No. 67-2014) This paper is available for download: WPS-67-2014 [PDF 1.75MB] - 2013
Tail-effect and the Role of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Control
Richard Tol, In Chang Hwang, Marjan W. Hofkes
(ED-WPS No. 66-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-66-2013 [PDF 592.49KB]Active Learning about Climate Change
Richard Tol, In Chang Hwang, Marjan W. Hofkes
(ED-WPS No. 65-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-65-2013 [PDF 1.09MB]Bootstraps for Meta-Analysis with an Application to the Impact of Climate Change
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 64-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-64-2013 [PDF 464.44KB]Modified Ramsey Discounting for Climate Change
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 63-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-63-2013 [PDF 357.51KB]Estimating the Global Impacts of Climate Variability and Change During the 20th Century
Richard Tol, Francisco Estrada
(ED-WPS No. 62-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-62-2013 [PDF 708.91KB] (includes supplementary material)
Towards Impact Functions for Stochastic Climate Change
Richard Tol, Francisco Estrada
(ED-WPS No. 61-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-61-2013 [PDF 607.14KB]Quantile Kernel Regression for Identifying Excellent Economists
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 60-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-60-2013 [PDF 1.24MB]Measuring Catch-Up Growth in Malnourished Populations
Kalle Hirvonen
(ED-WPS No. 59-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-59-2013 [PDF 587.49KB]Fiscal Limits on First-Best Climate Policy: A CGE Analysis for Europe
Richard Tol, Stefano F Verde
(ED-WPS No. 58-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-58-2013 [PDF 386.67KB]Are You Happy While You Work?
George MacKerron, Alex Bryson
(ED-WPS No. 57-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-57-2013 [PDF 842.99KB]How Should Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context?
Richard Tol, Kenneth J. Arrow, Maureen L. Cropper, Christian Gollier, Ben Groom, Geoffrey M. Heal, Richard G. Newell, William D. Nordhaus, Robert S. Pindyck, William A. Pizer, Paul R. Portney, Thomas Sterner and Martin L. Weitzman
(ED-WPS No. 56-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-56-2013 [PDF 1.07MB]The Matthew Effect for Cohorts of Economists
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 55-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-55-2013 [PDF 299.97KB]The Determinants of Outward Processing: Evidence from Offshoring Intermediates by the European Union
Dimitra Petropoulou, Xavier Cirera, Dirk Willenbockel
(ED-WPS No. 54-2013) This paper is available for download: WPS-54-2013 [PDF 412.48KB] - 2012
The Effect of Learning on Climate Policy under Fat-tailed Uncertainty
Richard Tol, In Chang Hwang, Frédéric Reynès
(ED-WPS No. 53-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-53-2012 [PDF 873.48KB]Climate Change and Tourism in the Arctic Circle
Richard Tol, Sharon Walsh
(ED-WPS No. 52-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-52-2012 [PDF 1.15MB]After Ten Years of the Russian Crisis, How Might IMF Intervention Be Evaluated?
Malgorzata Sulimierska
(ED-WPS No. 51-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-51-2012 [PDF 477.56KB]The First World War and Working-Class Food Consumption in Britain
Andrew Newell, Ian Gazeley
(ED-WPS No. 50-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-50-2012 [PDF 644.56KB]
Do Supply-Side Education Programmes Work? The Impact of Increased School Supply on Schooling and Wages in Indonesia Revisited
Gunilla Pettersson
(ED-WPS No. 49-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-49-2012 [PDF 724.24KB]The Declines in Infant Mortality and Fertility: Evidence from British Cities in Demographic Transition
Andrew Newell, Ian Gazeley
(ED-WPS No. 48-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-48-2012 [PDF 338.35KB]
Urban Working-Class Food Consumption and Nutrition in Britain in 1904
Andrew Newell, Ian Gazeley
(ED-WPS No. 47-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-47-2012 [PDF 562.28KB]A Re-examination of the Impact of the UK National Minimum Wage on Employment
Richard Dickens, Rebecca Riley, David Wilkinson
(ED-WPS No. 46-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-46-2012 [PDF 506.17KB]Minimum Wages and Wage Inequality: Some Theory and an Application to the UK
Richard Dickens, Tim Butcher, Alan Manning
(ED-WPS No. 45-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-45-2012 [PDF 590.14KB]The Impact of Temperature Changes on Residential Energy Use
Richard Tol, Sebastian Patrick, Katrin Rehdanz
(ED-WPS No. 44-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-44-2012 [PDF 1.78MB]The Persistence of Shocks in GDP and the Estimation of the Potential Economic Costs of Climate Change
Richard Tol, Francisco Estrada, Carlos Gay-Garcia
(ED-WPS No. 43-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-43-2012 [PDF 666.34KB]A Household Welfare Perspective on the Expansion of Palm Oil Production in Indonesia
Outi Korkeala
(ED-WPS No. 42-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-42-2012 [PDF 471.55KB]The Effect of Weather Shocks and Risk on Schooling and Child Labour in Rural Indonesia
Outi Korkeala
(ED-WPS No. 41-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-41-2012 [PDF 734.71KB]Risk-Return Incentives in Liberalised Electricity Markets
Richard Tol, Muireann Lynch, Aonghus Shortt, Mark O'Malley
(ED-WPS No. 40-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-40-2012 [PDF 589.38KB]The Implications of a Break-Up of China for Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 39-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-39-2012 [PDF 413.00KB]Climate Policy with Betham-Rawls Preferences
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 38-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-38-2012 [PDF 394.76KB]Targets for Global Climate Policy: An Overview
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 37-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-37-2012 [PDF 572.86KB]Macroeconomic volatility, consumption behaviour and welfare: A cross-country analysis
Alessandro Federici & Pierluigi Montalbano
(ED-WPS No. 36-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-36-2012 [PDF 488.86KB]Trade openness and vulnerability to poverty: Vietnam in the long run
Emiliano Magrini & Pierluigi Montalbano
(ED-WPS No. 35-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-35-2012 [PDF 672.45KB]The Mexican Wage Curve 2000-2003: A Quantile Analysis
Héctor Elías Gutiérrez Rufrancos
(ED-WPS No. 34-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-34-2012 [PDF 315.69KB]Maximum Carbon Taxes in the Short Run
Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 33-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-33-2012 [PDF 411.25KB]Oligopoly and Oligopsony Power in the Swedish Market
Conor Devitt & Richard Tol
(ED-WPS No. 32-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-32-2012 [PDF 657.47KB]Assessing the Trade Impact of the European Neighborhood Policy on EU-MED Free Trade Area
Pierluigi Montalbano & Silvia Nenci
(ED-WPS No. 31-2012) This paper is available for download: WPS-31-2012 [PDF 1.87MB] - 2011
The Evolution of Gender and Racial Occupational Segregation across Formal and non-Formal Labour Markets in Brazil – 1987 to 2006
Paola Salardi
(ED-WPS No. 30-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-30-2011 [PDF 1.17MB]Borders that Divide: Education and Religion in Ghana and Togo since Colonial Times
Alexander Moradi & Denis Cogneau
(ED-WPS No. 29-2011) This paper is availabel for download: WPS-29-2011 [PDF 786.76KB]Product Durability and Trade Volatility
Dimitra Petropoulou & Kwok Tong Soo
(ED-WPS No. 28-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-28-2011 [PDF 241.49KB]The impact of GSP Preferences on Developing Countries' Exports in the European Union: Bilateral Gravity Modelling at the Product Level
Xavier Cirera, Francesca Foliano & Michael Gasiorek
(ED-WPS No. 27-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-27-2011 [PDF 421.34KB]Explaining the Diversification Path of Exporters in Brazil: How Similar and Sophisticated are New Products?
Xavier Cirera, Anabel Marin & Ricardo Markwald
(ED-WPS No. 26-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-26-2011 [PDF 419.38KB]How strong is the evidence for the existence of poverty traps? A multi country assessment
Andy McKay & Emilie Perge
(ED-WPS No. 25-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-25-2011 [PDF 657.14KB]A Framework to Analyze the Impact of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Output Decisions
Gonzalo Varela
(ED-WPS No. 24-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-24-2011 [PDF 762.69KB]Protection through Proof of Age: Birth Registration and Child Labor in Early 20th Century USA
Sonja Fagernas
(ED-WPS No. 23-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-23-2011 [PDF 397.33KB]How Does Land Title Affect Access to Credit? Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Economy
Caio Piza
(ED-WPS No. 22-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-22-2011 [PDF 293.51KB]The UK Minimum Wage at Age 22: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
Richard Dickens
(ED-WPS No. 21-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-21-2011 [PDF 271.85KB]Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Output: A Sectoral Analysis
Gonzalo Varela
(ED-WPS No. 20-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-20-2011 [PDF 1.95MB]The Extrapolative Component in Exchange Rate Expectations and the Not-So-Puzzling Interest Parity: The Case of Uruguay
Gonzalo Varela
(ED-WPS No. 19-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-19-2011 [PDF 1.48MB]Whether to Hire Local Contract Teachers? Trade-off Between Skills and Preferences in India
Sonja Fagernas & Panu Pelkonen
(ED-WPS No. 18-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-18-2010 [PDF 647.28KB]Does better local governance improve district growth performance in Indonesia?
Neil McCulloch & Edmund Malesky
(ED-WPS No. 17-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-17-2011 [PDF 430.76KB]The Tobin Tax: A Review of the Evidence
Neil McCulloch & Grazia Pacillo
(ED-WPS No. 16-2011) This paper is available for download: WPS-16-2011 [PDF 391.58KB] - 2010
The Impact of trade preferences on export prices in the European Union - who captures the preference rent?
Xavier Cirera
(ED-WPS No. 15-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-15-2010 [PDF 252.59KB]The First World War and Working-Class Food Consumption in Britain
Ian Gazeley & Andy Newell
(ED-WPS No. 14-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-14-2010 [PDF 245.75KB]Consumption Poverty and Pro-Poor Growth in Bolivia (1999-2007)
Marta Moratti
(ED-WPS No. 13-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-13-2010 [PDF 903.90KB]Is the Border Effect an Artefact of Geographic Aggregation?
Carlos Llano, Asier Minondo & Francisco Requena
(ED-WPS No. 12-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-12-2010 [PDF 126.32KB]Do Capital Inflows Hinder Competitiveness? The Real Exchange Rate in Ethiopia
Pedro M.G. Martins
(ED-WPS No. 11-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-11-2010 [PDF 667.55KB]Aid Absorption and Spending in Africa: A Panel Cointegration Approach
Pedro M.G. Martins
(ED-WPS No. 10-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-10-2010 [PDF 539.10KB]Fiscal Dynamics in Ethiopia: The Cointegrated VAR Model with Quarterly Data
Pedro M.G. Martins
(ED-WPS No. 9-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-9-2010 [PDF 960.52KB]Economic growth in low income countries: How the G20 can help to raise and sustain it
L.Alan Winters, Wonhyuk Lim, Lucia Hanmer & Sidney Augustin
(ED-WPS No. 8-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-8-2010 [PDF 272.03KB]Deep Integration in EU FTAs
Peter Holmes
(ED-WPS No. 7-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-7-2010 [PDF 173.94KB]Border Carbon Adjustments and the Potential for Protectionism
Peter Holmes, Tom Reilly & Jim Rollo
(ED-WPS No. 6-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-6-2010 [PDF 190.46KB]Trade as an Engine of Creative Destruction: Mexico experience with Chinese competition
Leonardo Iacovone, Ferdinand Rauch & L. Alan Winters
(ED-WPS No. 5-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-5-2010 [PDF 560.77KB]Does trade openness increase vulnerability? A survey of the literature
Pierluigi Montalbano
(ED-WPS No. 4-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-4-2010 [PDF 304.16KB]An Analysis of Life Satisfaction in Albania: An Heteroscedastic Ordered Probit Model Approach
Julie Litchfield, Barry Reilly & Mario Veneziani
(ED-WPS No. 3-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-3-2010 [PDF 273.93KB].The end of destitution: Evidence from British working households 1904-1937
Ian Gazeley & Andrew Newell
(ED-WPS No. 2-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-2-2010 [PDF 176.00KB]Why do cooperatives fail? Big versus small in Ghanaian Cocoa Producers' Societies, 1930-36
Chiara Cazzuffi & Alexander Moradi
(ED-WPS No. 1-2010) This paper is available for download: WPS-1-2010 [PDF 274.42KB]
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