Photo of Mariagiulia GrassilliMariagiulia Grassilli
Research Associate


  • Visual representations of Human Rights, Development and Migration
  • Anthropology and Cinema
  • Media and International Development
  • Festivals and Public engagement events for Social Change

Publications include: 

  • Grassilli M. (2012) ‘Human Rights Film Festivals: Global/Local Networks for Social Justice and Advocacy’ in Iordanova D. and Torchin L. (eds.) (2012) Film Festivals and Activism, Film Festival Yearbook 4, St Andrews Film Studies, University of St Andrews
  • Grassilli M. (2008) ‘Migrant Cinema: Transnational and Guerrilla Practices of Film Production and Representation’ in a Special Issue of Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 34, nr. 8
  • Grassilli M. (2007) ‘Anthropology and Cinema: Visual Representations of Human Rights, Displacement and Resistance in Come Back Africa, by Lionel Rogosin’ in Visual Anthropology: vol. 20 (2 & 3) Special issue: The Frontiers of Visual Anthropology,
  • Grassilli M. (2007) ‘Migration and Diversity: African presence’ in Africa e Mediterraneo, 1/07 (59)
  • Grassilli M. (2005) ‘Cultures and Conflicts: Visual Representations and Anthropology of Cinema’ in Culture e Conflitto di Callari Galli, Guerzoni e Riccio (eds.), Editore: Guaraldi
  • Grassilli M. (2004) ‘Gabibbo and the Squatters: who speaks for whom? Alternative and official representation of immigration in Bologna’ in Grillo, R.D. and Pratt, J.C. (eds.) (2002) The Politics of Recognizing Difference: Multiculturalism Italian Style. Basingstoke: Ashgate
  • Grassilli M. (2002) ‘Atzinganoe, mint tea and MCs: (multi)cultural education in Bologna’ in R. King (ed.) Special Edition, Studi emigrazione, 39(145), 2002, pp. 137 - 159
  • Grassilli M. (2001) ‘Festas, Ferìas and Hip Hop: images of multiculturalism in Barcelona’ in King, R. ed. (2001) The Mediterranean Passage: Migration and New Cultural Encounters in Southern Europe, Liverpool University Press.

Current research in process include following themes: 

  • Visual representations of Refugees through cinema and digital media
  • Cinema of Migration or New Italian Cinema? Diversity and identity in contemporary film production in Italy’ 
  • Human Rights and Diversity in Bologna 1997-now: a critical look at 20 years of public engagement for social change in a changing Italian society 
  • AfricanBamba Human Rights Film Festival in Thiaroye, Senegal: an ethnography of a community based activist festival in the banlieue of Dakar’ 
  • Beyond Visual Anthropology, towards an Anthropology of Cinema and Visual Communication for Social Change’