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(the HEI HR department will be able to provide your HESA ID number)Highest qualificationDate receivedAwardClassSubjectInstitution where obtainedAcademic teaching qualification (needed for HESA): (please tick)Holder of a PGCE in HE, secondary education, FE, life long learning or any other equivalent UK qualification SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Recognised by the HEA as a Principal Fellow SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Holder of a National Teaching Fellowship Scheme Individual Award SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Recognised by the HEA as a Senior Fellow SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Accredited as a teacher of their subject by a professional UK body SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Recognised by the HEA as a Fellow SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Other UK accreditation or qualification in teaching in the HE sector SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Recognised by the HEA as an Associate Fellow SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Overseas accreditation or qualification for any level of teaching SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"No qualification held SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Recognised by SEDA against Descriptor 1 of the UKPSF SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"Recognised by SEDA against Descriptor 2 of the UKPSF SYMBOL 168 \f "Wingdings"ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID):  Bank or Building Society details: (Please note if you hold a Tier 2 visa your salary must be paid into an account in your own name.)Name and address of bank:Sort code:Name of account holder:Account number:National Insurance and Tax: National Insurance number: If you do not have a National Insurance number please contact the NI application helpline on 08001412075It is important that you take your Income Tax Form P45 to the Payroll & Pensions Office (Sussex House, room 338) as soon as you take up your appointment, if you do not have a P45, you will be asked to complete a starter checklist form for HMRC. This will avoid you being taxed at 0T on your whole salary.Pension:USS and USPSS If you are an eligible jobholder you will be automatically enrolled into the appropriate pension scheme for your terms and conditions, either the Universities Superannuation Scheme or the ܽƵ Pension and Savings Scheme. Further information will be sent on joining. If you are a non-eligible jobholder or an entitled worker you will have the option to join the appropriate pension scheme for your terms and conditions.NHS BSMS Employees only If you have been an active member of the NHS Pension scheme within the last 12 months and wish to continue membership of the pension scheme you will need to complete Form SD65 at the Payroll & Pensions Office. Please speak with your Payroll & Pensions Assistant on arrival to Sussex House, room 338 when you bring your right-to-work documents. If you need further information about pension provision, please contact the Payroll & Pensions Office,  HYPERLINK "mailto:pensions@sussex.ac.uk" pensions@sussex.ac.uk.Next of kin: (or 2 people we should contact in case of an emergency at work)Name:Name:Address:Address:Tel. numberTel. numberRelationshipRelationshipAcceptance of appointment:I accept the offer of an appointment to the staff of the University on the terms and conditions stated in the offer letter. I certify that the information given on this form is correct and I undertake to notify the University at once of any change. Signed: .......................................................Date: ..........................................................This information is needed for the University's computerised HR and payroll system, so that salaries, income tax, national insurance and superannuation can be correctly calculated and paid, and for the maintenance of necessary personnel records. Certain non-identifiable information is disclosed for the purposes of the national Higher Education Statistical Return*, but personal data is otherwise used only internally and for the purposes described. The use of this data has been registered under the Data Protection Act.     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