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As part of its wide-ranging response, the University of Sussex last year ran a very successful programme funded through the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) to support work with non-academic partners to address their challenges and opportunities presented by the COVID pandemic. Twenty projects were funded, aimed at improving health outcomes; mitigating the effects of the lockdown on families and schooling and to advise on aspects of the economy. A list of these projects is attached at Annex A. Due to the success of last year s programme, the University is repeating the programme in 2021. From 1 May 2021 to 31 July 2021, 250,000 will be made available from the University s annual HEIF allocation to support the initiative. The focus this year will be on working collaboratively with our non-academic stakeholders to support health, social and economic recovery from the pandemic and its wider impacts. Fill in all sections of this Word document. Please answer each of the questions 1-10 below and return to sue.baxter@sussex.ac.uk by close Friday 9 April 2021. You will have a decision on your proposal by 23 April at the latest. All HEIF spending must be complete by 31 July 2021, after which any remaining HEIF awarded for your project will no longer be available. For further information and support please contact sue.baxter@sussex.ac.uk or k.thorpe@sussex.ac.uk. Project Title [10 words max] Project Lead (ie. the person accountable for delivering the project) + School or Department HEIF amount required Please set out top 5 key areas of spend. Description of activity or costs  HEIF  Activities proposed If HEIF forms part of wider package of support for a larger programme of activity (including research), please specify the HEIF funded activities in context of the wider initiative [150 words max  bullet points preferred] Outcomes: What are the key changes the project is aiming to achieve? [150 words max  bullet points preferred. Please note that research-only outcomes are not eligible. See Background] Who are the key external partners you will work with and how will they support the project? [150 words max  bullet points preferred] What financial or in-kind contributions are unlocked by this project? Is any of it dependent on release of HEIF? [150 words max  bullet points preferred] What are the income-generating aspects of the project? What are the longer term collaborative opportunities created by this project? [150 words max  bullet points preferred] Completion date  PAGE 2 bf h8(:t  jU5\ 5nH \nH CJ5aJ\#df jlV8:<$If@ & F@ & FH$a$MC @$If & FP$$If0[$ p44l44l4f4 @$If & FP$$If0[$ p44l44l4f4$IfMC @$If & FP$$If0[$ p44l44l4f4$If @$If & FP$$If0[$ p44l44l4f4XMKFD@ & FP$$If0[$ p44l44l4f4$If @$If & FP$$If0[$ p44l44l4f4X:&(8:rtA$a$@@ & F@@ & F4. 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