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OR Your work has been referred to the School Investigating Officer and will be investigated for possible academic misconduct. The Investigating Officer will decide if it is a No Case, a First Case or if it should be considered by an academic misconduct panel. The School Curriculum and Assessment Officer will write to you to confirm this. ALL We encourage you to contact your Academic Advisor [INSERT NAME]. They will be able to advise you if you have questions about the academic integrity requirements in assessments, particularly if you have other assessments due shortly. The following resources are provided to support you in assessment:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sussex.ac.uk/skillshub/?id=1" assessment preparation including referencing requirements  HYPERLINK "http://www.sussex.ac.uk/skillshub/?id=287" academic integrity requirements and how to avoid academic misconduct Academic Integrity videos:  HYPERLINK "https://canvas.sussex.ac.uk/courses/7328" https://canvas.sussex.ac.uk/courses/7328 [INSERT ANY SCHOOL/DEPT LINKS HERE TO REFERRENCING PROTOCOLS / GUIDANCE] To understand what academic misconduct means at the University, what happens if there is a concern about your work and possible penalties that may be applied see information on the  HYPERLINK "https://student.sussex.ac.uk/complaints/against-you/misconduct" Student Hub. You may be referred to an Academic Practice Workshop designed to help you understand the requirements for good academic conduct in assessment. Please contact the Student Administration Office if you have any queries regarding the process ( HYPERLINK "mailto:academicmisconduct@sussex.ac.uk" academicmisconduct@sussex.ac.uk). This email may be used to establish that you have been referred to guidance on academic integrity in assessment. Your welfare is important to us in our School. There are several ways you can get support. You can contact the Director of Student Experience for confidential advice. However, if you would rather speak to someone outside the School, please contact the  HYPERLINK "https://student.sussex.ac.uk/centre/" Student Centre : ܽƵ. Yours sincerely [NAME] Module Convenor Cc Academic Advisor for UG OR Course Convenor for PG Marker if not the same person as Module Convenor School Director of Student Experience Curriculum Assessment Officer Academic Misconduct Office     Updated November 2022  ?JKL[c  E F V \ ^  ĻĻĻıĻĞăzqkqbYhuzhmL^Jhuzh;^J h@^JhuzhT^Jhuzh"R@^JhuzhtX^Jhuzh,"a^Jhuzh:^Jhuzh+R;^Jhuzh,"a5^Jhuzh<5^Jhuzh^Jhuzh<^JhuzhB>*u&>*ut>*u>*u<>*^J!K   ^ b N J\pgdP<7gdx [$\$gd[WgdC{gd2Qgd"R@$a$gdDGgd,"agd&    E K     o x N Z [ ] ^ b v }  ҷҮxofof]]h>9/h]^Jhuzh]^Jhuzh?nS^Jhuzh,"a^Jhuzh2Q^Jhuzh+R;^JhuzhKM ^JhuzhD^JhuzhP<7^JhuzhYO^Jhuzh^Jhuzh[W^Jhuzhzs^Jhuzh<^Jhuzhk/:^Jhuzh9M^JhuzhDG6^JhuzhDG^J# J L M N v <=>]^ʸzgV>gV/jhuzhrCJOJQJU^JaJ huzh[WCJOJQJ^JaJ$huzh[W0JCJOJQJ^JaJ/jhuzhrCJOJQJU^JaJ)jhuzhrCJOJQJU^JaJ huzhrCJOJQJ^JaJ#huzhr5CJOJQJ^JaJ#huzh[W5CJOJQJ^JaJh>9/hC{^Jhuzh?nS^Jh>9/h]^Jh>9/hx^J#HJLMNYZ\MNaڶﭤ~slcc]cTh@h@^J hG_^JhuzhdX^J h>9/hxh@h@0J^Jjh@U^Jjh@U^J h@^Jh>9/umu<^J$h>9/h@0JCJOJQJ^JaJ h>9/h@CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh>9/h@CJOJQJU^JaJ huzh[WCJOJQJ^JaJFGHmnop&CDǺxohaZ h>9/h0 h>9/hDG h>9/h8huzh2^JhuzhuP@5\^JhuzhuP@^Jhuzh0^JhuzhmL^Jhuzhk/:^J hb}0Jhb}jhb}Uh>9/hx^JnH tH huzhD^Jh>9/hx^JhuzhdX^Jhuzh+>^Jjh@U^Jhh@0J^J &DacdfgijlmgdS? $`a$gd[W dgdDGgd8m$ `gd8m$gdmLgdDEF`abcdefghijklmu}~ɷ~zh"R@ hS?h"R@h"R@CJOJQJ^JaJ#h@B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hG_B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h"R@B*CJOJQJ^JaJphhCdjhCdU h>9/<hE` h>9/hDG h>9/hk/:21h:pS?. 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