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To contribute to School teaching activities. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Research, Scholarship & Enterprise Develop research objectives and proposals for own or joint research, at acceptable levels, with assistance if required. Conduct research projects individually and in collaboration with others. Analyse and interpret research findings and draw conclusions on the outcomes. Produce high-quality research outputs for publication in monographs or recognised high-quality journals, or performance/exhibition, as appropriate, and contribute to the Schools REF submission at acceptable levels of volume and academic excellence. Contribute to the preparation of proposals and applications to external bodies, for example for funding purposes. Individually or with colleagues, explore opportunities for enterprise activity, knowledge exchange income and/or consultancy, where permissible. Build internal contacts and participate in internal networks and relevant external networks in order to form relationships and collaborations. Continually update knowledge and understanding in field or specialism, and engage in continuous professional development. Teaching & Student Support Undertake teaching duties, if required. Assist in the assessment of student knowledge and supervision of student projects if required. Assist in the development of student research skills, for example as part of a postgraduate supervision team. Contribution to School & University Attend and contribute to relevant School and project meetings. Undertake additional duties, as required by the Principal Investigator and/or Head of School. Role-specific duties [For completion by recruiting manager] This Job Description sets out current duties of the post that may vary from time to time without changing the general character of the post or level of responsibility entailed. INDICATIVE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA A PhD or equivalent scholarly or relevant professional activity Pursuing a line of independent research within a research group. Publishing research (either from a recently completed PhD or new original research). Other forms of externally recognised professional practice of creative output of a standing equivalent to regular publication of original research. Initiating, developing or participating in links between the University and external bodies such as business and industry, the professions, community organisations and policy-makers. Evidence of successful engagement in teaching or supervision. PERSON SPECIFICATION ESSENTIAL CRITERIA Normally educated to doctoral level, or other equivalent qualification, or appropriate level of experience, as appropriate to the discipline (see role-specific criteria below). Evidence of engagement in high-quality research activity. Excellent presentation skills, with the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with students, colleagues and external audiences. Ability to work individually on own initiative and without close supervision, and as part of a team. Ability to exercise a degree of innovation and creative problem-solving. Excellent organisational and administrative skills. Ability to prioritise and meet deadlines. Excellent IT skills. ESSENTIAL ROLE-SPECIFIC CRITERIA [For completion by recruiting manager] DESIRABLE CRITERIA Emerging track record of high-quality publications in reputable journals and other appropriate media of similar standing. Experience of generating research or knowledge exchange income.      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