Japanese Beginners B
Module code: T2001
Level 3 (sub-degree)
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Seminar, Class
Assessment modes: Coursework
You will have basic prior knowledge of the target language (TL).
This module:
- enables you to understand basic information and communicate effectively in the TL in everyday situations, at a simple level
- provides opportunities across general topics for practising the TL using the four language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, at a basic level
- introduces fundamental elements of the TL language structures, vocabulary, syntax and pronunciation, and continues to provide a solid foundation for progression in the TL
- presents the background culture of the TL through various activities and text, audio, audio-visual and digital material.
This module is at least equivalent to level A2 (basic user) of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages.
Module learning outcomes
- With reference to CEFR A2 level, the student can demonstrate understanding of simple target language in predictable/straightforward contexts within a selection of familiar topics.
- S/he can demonstrate effective communication in the target language at a simple level, within a set range of formal/informal contexts.
- S/he can demonstrate acquisition of basic vocabulary and application of simple language structures of the target language.
- S/he has developed an awareness of aspects of the general social and cultural background of the target language and can demonstrate an appropriate response in selected associated cultural settings and contexts.