
Employment Law - Foundations

Module code: M5012
Level 6
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework, Essay

Work is not only the main way that most of us make money: it's also where we will spend much of our lives. It's a platform for social interaction, social inclusion and, sometimes, social exclusion.

Against this background, employment law sits between the public and the private, and is enriched by both.

Through this module, you'll develop an understanding of:

  • employment status
  • the contract of employment
  • equality and discrimination at work
  • termination and dismissal.

Module learning outcomes

  • Systematically identify and explain the principles and rationales governing employment law in the UK.
  • Effectively apply the detailed knowledge and understanding gained to the solution of problems and devise and sustain reasoned argument on doubtful or controversial points
  • Undertake and demonstrate effective independent research of an issue in employment law.
  • Comment on selected issues in employment law in a coherent and informed way.