Physics and astronomy
Module code: F3204
Level 5
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Class, Workshop, Lecture
Assessment modes: Coursework, Unseen examination
A first course on electro- and magneto-statics and electrodynamics. Maxwell's Equations in vacuum and materials, and their applications.
Level 4: (F3201) Maths Methods 1 [S1]
Level 4: (F3210) Mechanics and Relativity [S1]
Level 4: (F3202) Maths Methods 2 [S2]
Level 5: (F3205) Maths Methods 3 [S1]
Module learning outcomes
- State and explain the physical content of Maxwell's equations.
- Solve standard electro/magnetostatics problems.
- Apply EM theory to simple situations involving induction and inductance.
- Solve simple EM wave problems.