
Introduction to Economics

Module code: L1028
Level 4
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Practical, Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework, Unseen examination

On this module, you’ll be introduced to the fundamental principles of economics.

The first half focuses on microeconomic issues, including how individuals and firms behave, how they interact in markets, and the role of government.

The second focuses on macroeconomics, where you’ll explore key aggregate economic variables such as national income, inflation and the balance of payments, and how they relate to each other.

Module learning outcomes

  • Have demonstrated knowledge of the core principles of economics
  • Be able to use the power of abstraction to focus upon the essential features of an economic problem and to provide a framework for the evaluation of the effects of policy or other exogenous events.
  • Have demonstrated an understanding of appropriate concepts in economics that may be of wider use in a decision-making context (e.g. opportunity cost)
  • Have learnt to communicate economic ideas, concepts and information using means of communication appropriate to the audience and the problem at issue.