
Parents and Families

Module code: X3237
Level 6
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Seminar
Assessment modes: Project

You'll build on and extend your knowledge of children and young people's lives in the context of their families.

You'll develop an holistic and ecological view of children and young people and explore the micro-and meso-systems of children and young people's development and experiences.

You focus on:

  • the interactions and relationships between children and young people and their immediate familial and care environments
  • the risks and resilience of these contexts and the role that families and other carers can play in promoting resilience and well-being
  • concepts of family and family practices, parenting, care, social and cultural capital.

Locating childhood and youth in a family and care context, you'll also cover a range of topics including:

  • the concept of 'family' and family diversity
  • siblings
  • parenting
  • extended families
  • non-parental child-care
  • play, leisure and family life
  • social inequalities
  • diversity
  • disadvantaged families.

Examples will be given from cross-cultural research and links will be made to current developments in policy and practice for/with children and young people and their families.

Module learning outcomes

  • To identify the contribution of a family-practices conceptual framework to understanding the role played by family, kinship relationships and care environments on children’s and young people’s development and lived experiences.
  • To critically evaluate key areas of policy and practice concerned with parents and families that intervene into children’s and young people’s development and lived experiences.
  • To reflect on the value of critical comparison (over time and/or place) for understanding how family practices in context and as subject to change and continuity.
  • To identify, interpret and synthesise a range of relevant sources (primary and secondary) in order to evaluate and communicate ideas and research findings effectively, clearly and fluently by written, oral and visual means, making effective use of ICT.