News and events

A solitary bee covered in pollen foraging on yellow gorse flowers


July 2024

  • Beth of the book 'One Garden Against the World' by Kate Bradbury in The Conversation
  • Beth and Sergio attended the International Congress of Neuroethology (ICN) in Berlin to present their work on bumblebee taste perception and metabolism. 
  • Natacha attended the IUSSI European Congress in Lausanne to present her research on flower constancy and flower orientation in bumblebees. 
  • We are excited to welcome a new post-doc to the group. Yanet Sepulveda will be working on our new BBSRC-funded project examining the effects of climate and diet on bumblebee development, behaviour and physiology. Welcome Yanet!

 Sergio is explaining his poster to two attendees at ICN

May 2024

  • We are happy to be hosting a visiting researcher, Gonzalo Sancho Blanco from , who will be here for three months to learn new techniques for studying bee behaviour. Welcome Gonzalo!
  • MSc students Becca Bowie and Juliahna Mistretta are starting the second year of vineyard sampling as part of our collaboration with invertebrate conservation charity . They will be measuring plant and insect diversity in sown and mown wildflower treatments across two vineyeards.

A group of people at an allotment

First day of plant-pollinator surveying in Brighton allotments. L-R Dr Maria Clara Castellanos, PhD students Lizzy Rainey and Adrian Kaluka and Dr Beth Nicholls. 

April 2024

  • This month we launched a brand new citizen science programme, Bitesize Biodiversity. Led by PhD student Leah Salm, urban growers across Brighton & Hove will be collecting data on the diversity of food they grow and consume, and telling us about their experience of growing their own food and what it means to them, through the medium of photos and videos, a method known as photo voice. Alongside this, PhD students Lizzy Rainey, Adrian Kaluka and Emily Kate Millerchip, in collaboration with Dr Maria Clara Castellanos will be collecting data on plant-pollinator interactions and floral diversity and abundance in the same growing spaces, allowing us to compare social and environmental data. We are very excited about this inter-disciplinary project.  
  • PhD student research on the microbiome of honeybees in collaboration with RHS Wisley was featured on the primetime television show, . Kerry did an amazing job of showcasing her research and answering Hamza's questions. Well done Kerry!

March 2024

  • PhD student Yanet Sepulveda published a paper from her PhD examining the on bumblebee brood production and behaviour. 

January 2024

  • We're pleased to welcome two new students to our lab for a rotation as part of their PhD programme. Lizzy Rainey will be working on urban pollination and Lucy Unwin will examine the energetic costs of pollen foraging. 

November 2023

June 2023 

  • This month we welcome two new members to the team- Becca Gorham who will be with us for four months as a technician and Harry de Marco who is joining us as a JRA (Junior Research Assistant) until September. Welcome both!

April 2023

  • We are delighted to have been awarded a BBSRC standard research in collaboration with at the University of Hull and at Sussex to study the response of wild bees to a changing diet and climate. Post-doc, PhD and technician recruitment coming soon! 
  • published a new paper on a with her collaborators at . Congratulations Leah! She also attended the Brighton & Hove Allotment Federation AGM this month to start spreading the word about her . 
  • Janine published a new paper on and bias in pollinator identification. 
  • Beth co-led on another successfull event, this year in collaboration with the British Neuroscience Association. Fourteen women presented their research to the public on the seafront, and despite the rainy conditions, lots of fun was had by all!

A group of people standing next to an information board in the sunshine

March 2023

  • published a Perspective on a recent paper demonstrating the . Congratulations Natacha! 
  • Our group attended our first conference together, The Bumblebee Working Group Meeting, hosted by the University of Oxford. We listened to some great talks and it was brilliant to connect and re-connect with bumblebee researchers from across the UK. Watch this space for some future collaborations on buzzing bumblebees. 
  • We have also been busy installing pollinator noticeboards and 'Bee n Bees' in community orchards across Brighton, in collaboration with Brighton Permaculture Trust volunteers and funded by the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme Impact Fund.

Nov 2022

  • Huge congratulations to Dr. Janine Griffiths-Lee for successfully defending her PhD thesis this month!  
  • Beth gave a public talk about 'Bee-haviour to Save the Bees' as part of the lecture series
  • Beth gave a talk as part of SSRP week about 'A citizen science approach to studying plant-pollinator interactions in urban agriculture'

Oct 2022

  • We have welcomed four postgraduate students to the lab this month. MSc student Ashu Tomar and MRes student Emily Millerchip will be working with Buglife on an ambitious project to increase insect biodiversity in English vineyards. MRes students Jenna Williams and Ella Kelby are starting an exciting new behavioural project quantifying the energetic costs involved in flower handling using flow through respirometry. 

Sept 2022

  • We're really pleased to welcome a new member of staff to the group this month, Dr Natacha Rossi. Natacha will be working on our UKRI FLF project, using behavioural assays to examine how floral differences affect pollen foraging in bees, and the implications for pollination. Welcome Natacha!
  • published a paper in on work from his Masters at Sussex looking at passive forces in goal-directed limb movements in mantids. Congratulations Sergio! Sergio is now supervising two undergraduate students who have joined the lab this term, Jack Walker and Antalya Mustafa, who will perform similar experiments, looking at passive forces in bee legs. Welcome Jack and Antalya! 
  • Janine published the , demonstrating that wildflower planting can increase beneficial insect abundance and diversity in English vineyards. We're really excited to be continuing this work on wildflowers in vineyards in collaboration with the conservation charity , as part of the project.


A photo of a vineyard


August 2022

  • Janine published the , a survey of UK vineyard owners and their management practices entitled Grape Expectations: A Survey of British Vineyard Land Management Practices From An Environmental Perspective. 

June 2022

  • Beth was delighted to be awarded the 2022 Kroto Award for Public Engagement in Life Sciences. You can watch her acceptance speech below. 

May 2022

  • Beth published a new paper in Phil. Trans of the Royal Society B entitled ""

April 2022

  • Beth gave a talk on Narrative CVs as part of the University wide Research with Impact forum. Watch again here

March 2022

  • We have two new members joining the lab this month. Gilles Verbinnen is an Erasmus student visiting from KU Leuven in Belgium. He will be continuing our C B Dennis funded work on developmental changes in honeybee metabolic rate. Leah Salm is a PhD student in the new Food Systems Centre for Doctoral Training and will be joining us for a four month placement at the end of the month. Leah will be continuing our work on the value and productivity of urban food growing, with a focus on community orchards. Welcome Gilles and Leah!
  • Janine published the  showing that creating a "mini-meadow" of just 2 x 2 metres in your garden or allotment can increase pollinator abundance and diversity.
  • Beth published a outlining how foraging behaviour of bees is being influenced by human activity. 
  • Beth was invited by the charity Sustain to give a talk about her research on the as part of the launch of Good to Grow. 

Jan 2022

  • We are delighted to welcome our very first PhD student, Sam Butler to the lab this month. Sam worked on ants for his Masters research at the University of Gloucester, and will be working alongisde Sergio to understand how bees perceive and evaluate pollen rewards when foraging at the flower. Welcome Sam!

Dec 2021

  • Beth attended the Ecology Across Borders conference in Liverpool on 15th December to present work on urban agriculture, funded by the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme. The results on the productivity of urban farming and importance of insect pollinators was featured in the Guardian, Times, Telegraph and Independent newspapers as well as several smaller horticultural publications, and Beth was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 The World at One and BBC Radio Kent about the project. We also got a mention on Radio 4's Today programme and BBC Radio 2. Fantastic to see such interest in the potential of urban growing!
  • We received ~£16k of funding from the NERC Discipline Hopping for Environmental Solutions fund to develop a mulit-disciplinary collaboration with chemists at Sussex to develop analytical techniques that will permit us to analyse the nutritional content of insect diets and floral food rewards. We'll be working with Ramon Gonzalez-Mendez and Murat Evaci in Chemistry and the funding will provide training for Beth, her PDRA Sergio and PhD students James Woodward and Andrés Romero Bravo. 

Oct 2021

  • We currently have a fully funded PhD position (January 2022 start) to study the factors driving flower choices in pollen foraging bees using a combination of behavioural assays and physiological measurements (e.g. flow through respirometry). More details on the position and how to apply hereDeadline 1st December 2021.
  • We are pleased to welcome MSci students Becca Morgan and Katie Berry to the lab. They will be collaborating with myself, Dr. Maria Clara Castellanos and Dr Ola Ollson at Lund University, adding UK plant species to an existing pollen database which uses deep learning to identify pollen grains. 
  • Beth is excited to have joined the editorial team at the 
  • Beth was part of the team delivering taster sessions for potential PhD students as part of the UK Food Systems Centre for Doctoral Training roadshow. It was a pleasure to meet the first cohort of talented and diverse students, and we hope to welcome some of them to the lab soon. 
  • Beth was invited by Dr Michelle Fountain to speak about her research at - she is looking forward to pursuing potential collaboration opportunities with horticultural researchers at NIAB in the future. 

Sept 2021

  • Beth attended a fantastic conference on the '" organised by Kew. Her collaborator presented an opinion paper co-authored alongside former Sussex university colleague  and from Bristol university on the behavioural adaptions bees have to reduce the risk of pathogen transmission at flowers. The paper is currently under review and will be published in an upcoming special issue in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B early next year. 
  • We're very pleased to welcome research assistant Milly Manley to the lab. A former masters student at ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, Milly will be continuing our C B Dennis Trust funded work examining developmental changes in the metabolic rate of newly emerged honeybees. Welcome to the group Milly!

August 2021

  • Beth (and her dog Phyllis!) recorded an episode of the Unlocking Landscapes podcast, during which we discussed what inspired Beth to become a "bee doctor", the hairiness of bees (but not wasps), why wasps are important, how bee-washing is employed by the corporate world and the need to change how pesticides are used in the UK.  or listen on . 

July 2021

  • A very warm welcome to Dr Sergio Rossoni who has joined the lab this month as a research fellow in insect electro-physiology. Sergio will be working on the UKRI FLF funded project 'Flower rewards and pollen foraging', examining the capacity for bees to use taste to detect nutritional compounds in pollen to guide their foraging choices. 
  • Our paper on the impact of larval nutrition on the scaling of metabolic rate with body size in adult honeybees is now published in the . 

June 2021

  • Beth was interviewed for ITV News Meridian about and Arla Foods new scheme which aims to encourage people to create an inter-connected highway of resources for pollinators in their gardens. 
  • Beth was interviewed by wildlife presenter and writer Sophie Pavelle about the bilberry bumblebee (Bombus moniticola) for her new book '' due out next year. 

May 2021

  • Beth was one of three panel members at the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ Research with Impact forum, focussed on sustainability research at Sussex. 
  • In a live Zoom session, Beth answered many burning bee questions from students at Nant y Bryniau Education Centre in North Wales as part of their Bee Week. 
  • Masters student Charlie Gibbs began field work for his thesis. Fifteen bumblebee colonies have been placed along a urban-rural transect from Brighton city centre to the downs, and Charlie will be measuring colony growth rate and the diversity of pollen diets throughout the summer. 
  • Beth was about her research and her role as the leader of , an event designed to raise the profile of women in STEMM. Usually held on the seafront in Brighton, this year , in partnership with the Access Programme led by the Widening Participation team. 

April 2021

  • Beth spoke to stakeholders at the South Coast Sustainability event, led by SSRP, about why understanding bee behaviour is beneficial for improving crop yields. 

Feb 2021

We have a . To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of an effect of diet quality on adult metabolism in a holometabolous insect. This is the first paper from our C B Dennis funded collaboration with the Niven lab on the effects of larval nutrition on development, survival and adult metabolism in honeybees. Research assistant Marta Rossi did a fantastic job of establishing the method for rearing honeybees in vitro at ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, and we are excited to utilise this method more in future.

Several images showing the development of a honeybee from small larva to adult

Nov 2020

  • Beth gave a talk to the EBE seminar series about her work as a community outreach officer for the  project, during her 18 month break from academia during 2019-20 when she was working for the South Downs National Park Authority.
  • Beth attended her first ever virtual conference  which this year was hosted by Jeff Ollerton of Northampton University. There were some excellent talks on pollination and pollinator behaviour, including a fascinating talk on plant ‘behaviour’ by . Despite the virtual setting it was possible to network with other researchers rather effectively, and Beth felt very inspired by the end of the conference, despite not leaving her living room.

Oct 2020- The Nicholls lab officially started!

May 2020

  • Janine published the first paper from her PhD on the . This project arose from a question posed by Team PollinATE volunteers, as to whether having lots of bee friendly plants in your garden would ‘distract’ pollinators from visiting potentially less attractive crop flowers. We were pleased to be able to report back that in fact planting bee friendly borage leads to both more and bigger strawberries!

Dr Beth Nicholls hosting a workshop for allotment holders

March 2020

  • Our review on the  is published as part of a special feature on research conducted by members of the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP). Featuring data on crop yields from our citizen science project with allotment holders in Brighton & Hove, , we conclude that small-scale urban growing is making a significant contribution to feeding the world, and is likely to benefit certain ecosystem services, though knowledge gaps remain regarding productivity, pesticide use and the implication for biodiversity.