Our Service Catalogue is a list of services provided by IT Services to members of the University of Sussex and certain categories of visitors.
Each service within the catalogue typically includes a brief description of the service and how to access it, who is entitled to use/request the service, details of availability and service maintenance, and links to further information. This is intended to help improve knowledge within the University of the range of services we currently provide and to help users get more out of them. The range of services offered is reviewed annually with the University IT Consultative Group.
Provides a High Performance Computing environment with a rich set of software applications that support research within the University. Research groups are encouraged to purchase compute nodes and storage for integration into the cluster. Substantial storage is available on the cluster on the connected Research file service.
By application to IT Services for an HPC account.
This service is accessible 24 hours a day.
Normal working days 0900-1700.
Software and hardware maintenance is carried out periodically and with at least two weeks notice to users. Software security patches or failed hardware might require emergency maintenance at shorter notice, endeavouring to keep impact to an absolute minimum.
Users are consulted before substantial changes to cluster configuration. Software installed may be installed or updated upon request or major release.
Software application changes (upgrades, additions or removals) follow a procedure described here:
. Changes will be advertised through normal IT Services channels.
Data Network (#1); Managed Filestore (#2).
IT Services supports a High Performance Computing cluster with around 1000 cores, QDR infiniband interconnect and a Lustre parallel file system providing nearly 200TB of storage. The service is managed by the Research Support team within IT Services, who maintain the system and advise on best practice.
The HPC service can be accessed from both on and off campus
Research teams are encouraged to fund their own compute nodes within this environment, with the resource dedicated to their needs.
The University participates within several national initiatives providing shared HPC substrates and as a GridPP Tier 2 facility within the EGI.
Information about changes to services including any scheduled maintenance, are posted on the IT Services website and distributed by the IT Services Facebook, Twitter and RSS feed. Current service status traffic light information is also displayed on the IT Services website.
If the service you are enquiring about is not described below, please get in touch.
All service users are expected to abide by the rules and regulations described in Regulations for the use of Information and Communication Technology and to report faults, as they arise, to IT Services.
Updated on 17 October 2013