Our Service Catalogue is a list of services provided by IT Services to members of the University of Sussex and certain categories of visitors.
Each service within the catalogue typically includes a brief description of the service and how to access it, who is entitled to use/request the service, details of availability and service maintenance, and links to further information. This is intended to help improve knowledge within the University of the range of services we currently provide and to help users get more out of them. The range of services offered is reviewed annually with the University IT Consultative Group.
Provides black & white and colour printing for staff and students, via networked printers distributed throughout the campus, including web-mediated remote printing. Students pay for their printing and IT Services operate a charging and payment collection system to support this.
Access to the service requires an IT Services username and password. This is issued as part of the enrolment/employment process.
Where charges are applicable, details are available here:
Conference delegates may be issued with access details by the conference organisers to enable them to make use of print facilities.
The service is available 24/7 in the IT Services open-access computing rooms, see: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/its/services/clusterrooms/clustercomputers and, in the remaining rooms, available when the buildings are open.
Normal working days 0900-1700.
During term-time, IT Services remotely monitor charged printers. One working day’s notice will be given where work affects only a single geographic location of the service.
The normal IT Services change control process applies.
Data network (#1); Managed Filestore (#2); Windows Service (#4); Mac Service (#6).
Full details of the service are given here:
Payment for charged printing is by cash or card, detailed here:
Approx 230 networked staff printers are installed on campus, plus approx. 70 available to students and staff for charged printing. Remote monitoring of service is undertaken and between 0900-1730 normal working days; charged printers are refilled as soon as possible. IT assistants check the charged printers in the open-access computing rooms at weekends, including Shawcross, the Library, and other 24hr-access buildings.
Charged colour printing is provided in at least nine buildings, with A3 colour printing available in Shawcross and Richmond.
Information about changes to services including any scheduled maintenance, are posted on the IT Services website and distributed by the IT Services Facebook, Twitter and RSS feed. Current service status traffic light information is also displayed on the IT Services website.
If the service you are enquiring about is not described below, please get in touch.
All service users are expected to abide by the rules and regulations described in Regulations for the use of Information and Communication Technology and to report faults, as they arise, to IT Services.
Updated on 17 October 2013