Arabic Ab initio B (T6002)
Arabic Ab initio B
Module T6002
Module details for 2021/22.
15 credits
FHEQ Level 3 (sub-degree)
Module Outline
This stage 2 course is a post-beginner course for students with basic prior knowledge of the target language (TL). Building on existing levels of proficiency at level A1 (Basic User) of the Common European Framework of Reference [CEFR] the course aims to:
- enable students to understand basic information and to communicate effectively in the TL in everyday situations, at a simple level
- provide opportunities across a variety of general topics for practice of understanding and communication in the TL using the four language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, at a basic level
- introduce fundamental elements of the TL language structures, vocabulary, syntax and pronunciation, and continue to provide a solid foundation for progression in the TL
- present the background culture of the TL through a variety of contextualised activities and materials, in a range of media, e.g. text; audio; audio-visual; digital.
Successful completion of the course is at least equivalent to level A2 (Basic User) of the CEFR for Languages.
Module learning outcomes
With reference to CEFR A2 level, the student can demonstrate understanding of simple target language in predictable/straightforward contexts within a selection of familiar topics.
S/he can demonstrate effective communication in the target language at a simple level, within a set range of formal/informal contexts.
S/he can demonstrate acquisition of basic vocabulary and application of simple language structures of the target language.
S/he has developed an awareness of aspects of the general social and cultural background of the target language and can demonstrate an appropriate response in selected associated cultural settings and contexts.
Type | Timing | Weighting |
Coursework | 40.00% | |
Coursework components. Weighted as shown below. | ||
Oral assessment | T2 Week 11 (5 minutes) | 100.00% |
Distance Exam | Semester 2 Assessment | 60.00% |
Submission deadlines may vary for different types of assignment/groups of students.
Coursework components (if listed) total 100% of the overall coursework weighting value.
Term | Method | Duration | Week pattern |
Spring Semester | Lecture | 1 hour | 00001000000 |
Spring Semester | Seminar | 2 hours | 11111111111 |
Spring Semester | Class | 2 hours | 11111111111 |
Spring Semester | Workshop | 1 hour | 00000000100 |
How to read the week pattern
The numbers indicate the weeks of the term and how many events take place each week.
Dr Feras Alkabani
Convenor, Assess convenor
Miss Katrina Aiting Jia
Assess convenor
Dr Aisha El-Turki
Assess convenor
Please note that the University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and modules in accordance with the descriptions set out here. However, the University keeps its courses and modules under review with the aim of enhancing quality. Some changes may therefore be made to the form or content of courses or modules shown as part of the normal process of curriculum management.
The University reserves the right to make changes to the contents or methods of delivery of, or to discontinue, merge or combine modules, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the University. If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the University reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the University withdraws or discontinues a module, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative module.