School of Engineering and Informatics (for staff and students)

Discovering Role Models: Mentoring (X4910F)

Discovering Role Models: Peer-Led Mentoring in Schools

Module X4910F

Module details for 2021/22.

15 credits

FHEQ Level 4

Module Outline

On the Discovering Role Models module you will be invited to reflect on your experiences of adolescence and mainstream education, and to channel "what you wish you'd known" into creative workshops for young people to be delivered in groups in a local secondary school (for example exploring themes around mental health, relationships, identity). Through this module you will develop skills in participatory facilitation, teamwork and active listening. We will reflect on what it means to be "role models", boundaries and expectations. We will explore the ways in which theories of agency, social pedagogy and emotional intelligence can inform our practice. Most of all you will gain confidence, practical experience, and a very different way of looking at learning and mentoring! This course is assessed by a written piece reflecting on what you have gained.

For a more detailed description of the role, please have a look at our website: https://www.sussexstudent.com/volunteer/role-models/ or get in contact with Natasha, the Role Models Project coordinator, natasha.m@sussexstudent.com.

Module learning outcomes

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding, interpersonal skills and confidence to successfully and meaningfully engage in the Role Model project.

Reflect on, discuss and present individual experiences of childhood, education and family life, PHSE curriculum topics (e.g. mental health, food and body image, sexuality and gender) which inform or challenge their own opinions;

Develop and employ specific study skills (including: academic writing and independent learning) and creative ways to construct and present informed positions and arguments.

Coursework components. Weighted as shown below.
PortfolioA2 Week 2 100.00%

Submission deadlines may vary for different types of assignment/groups of students.


Coursework components (if listed) total 100% of the overall coursework weighting value.

TermMethodDurationWeek pattern
Spring SemesterWorkshop3 hours11111111111
Spring SemesterSeminar2 hours11111111111

How to read the week pattern

The numbers indicate the weeks of the term and how many events take place each week.

Mr Jack Nugent

Assess convenor

Miss Gina Stevens

Assess convenor

Prof Graeme Pedlingham

Assess convenor

Dr John Parry

Assess convenor, Convenor

Prof Simon Thompson

Assess convenor

Dr Jill Kirby

Assess convenor

Miss Rebecca Bowe

Assess convenor

Dr Emily Baker

Assess convenor

Please note that the University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and modules in accordance with the descriptions set out here. However, the University keeps its courses and modules under review with the aim of enhancing quality. Some changes may therefore be made to the form or content of courses or modules shown as part of the normal process of curriculum management.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the contents or methods of delivery of, or to discontinue, merge or combine modules, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the University. If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the University reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the University withdraws or discontinues a module, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative module.

School of Engineering and Informatics (for staff and students)

School Office:
School of Engineering and Informatics, ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, Chichester 1 Room 002, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QJ
T 01273 (67) 8195

School Office opening hours: School Office open Monday – Friday 09:00-15:00, phone lines open Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00
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