Department of Anthropology

Dr Kim Lasky

Post:School Tutor (Anthropology)
Other posts:School Tutor of Geography (Geography)
Location:ARTS C School of Global Studies
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I currently work to support social science researchers to energise their academic writing, drawing on creative techniques to share research findings more widely and effectively. Growing from this, I'm increasingly interested in interdisciplinary approaches to addressing climate change.

My doctorate explored the poetics of the contemporary and modernist avant garde, who wander perceived boundaries between what we think of as critical or theoretical writing and poetry.

My poetry includes Eclipse, What it Means to Fall, and Petrol, Cyan, Electric, which was shortlisted for the Michael Marks Award.

Critical explorations of practice-led research include:

‘Couplings, matings, hybridisations: what writers can gain from literary theory’, in Teaching Creative Writing in Higher Education, ed. Heather Beck(Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)

‘Poetics and Creative Writing Research’, in Research Methods in Creative Writing, eds. Jeri Kroll & Graeme Harper, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

Eclipse features in How Higher Education Feels: Commentaries on Poems that Illuminate Emotions in Learning and Teaching, ed. Kathleen M. Quinlan, (Sense, 2016)

For more information see my personal website:  

English and US Literature BA (Hons) (Essex); Creative and Critical Writing MA (Sussex); Creative and Critical Writing DPhil (Sussex)


Associate Researcher, School of Global Studies